Game crashes on Android

Since last update the game keeps on crashing. It's really annoying as every time the game got crashed, my Players lost 50% health. @Kabam Miike can you please look into the matter? Thank you.
Im with Moto G9 Play an older one, and plays fine.
@VikDabas what android are you using? If I may ask.
I play on an S21 and have no crashing issued.
To try to offer something though, when you play the game, what else is open in the background. The game has gotten a lot more intensive, and without knowing the specifics of your device, perhaps you're running into memory issues.
I would make sure everything else is closed when you're playing (and not just closed, but force stopped, as some apps will still run in the background).
Also, with MCOC specifically, I make a habit of clearing the cache a couple times a day.