Who thinks we should bring back 4 chapters for the first 3 acts

Let me explain. MCoC has over 1 million downloads, yet only about 3 million players play consistently. Ever since they removed a bunch of chapters from acts 1-3, progression goes…a little too fast. The game gets hard really fast for beginners, causing them to quit and they don’t want to learn how to play. If we add these chapters back, beginners can play tons of easier content that can teach them how to get good, also benefiting Kabam with playtime. Then, also with slow progression, bring back the 1*’s! It’s insanely hard to get 1*’s now, as you move on to 2*’s at the very beginning. Let the beginner build a huge roster, with a big collection of champions. Rosters now in 2024 are super empty, as they have very little champs to experiment and mess around with. The old content is just fun, and nothing much else to say. Easy nodes, simple opponents, fun roster building. I think this would not only benefit Kabam, but also the community in general.
Your thoughts?
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