Noticed something similar the other day with a different champ (chavez). So here's the deal. You have to let your second medium FINISH with claire. It's possible to launch a special before the hit actually finishes. The hit will still connect, but it's not considered "over." So the beginning of Claire's sp2 is actually taking place during a glanced hit, and as a result, the buff immunity doesn't apply. Annoying interaction? Definitely. But that's why it's happening.
Its because you're launching the special just after you hit them, which will cause all abilities that happen on activation to be glanced. Its quite horrible ik and idk if its intended or not but its been like this for a long time in the contest. To workaround this you gotta either special punish their mediums or heavies or throw the special when they're stunned
yeah it happens a few other places, basically if you activate a special while hitting with a basic, any ability accuracy modification from the basic attack will still be active when your ‘on special activation’ abilities try to trigger. The cause is buried pretty deep in the core of how ability accuracy modification works - it’s why black widow or cat can stop magik’s limbo from triggering, the power gain that would trigger the ability happens when she’s hit and ability accuracy reduction applies, even though it’s not strictly speaking an on-hit ability.