Which cosmic champ to awake?

Hi! I just got a cosmic awakening gem. I don't know what to do, Hulkling seems to be the logical choice... He's my 1st and only 6 star rank 4 champ. But he doesn't really need awakening to be great I think? Which one would you choose?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Which cosmic champ to awake? 28 votes
Hulkling doesn't need the awakening like the others, and Angela needs high sig as well and is available as a 7*.
Both CGR and Hyperion are great options, but awakening CGR gives more utility and the fate seal makes him a substitute mystic if needed.
Since AGs are much more common now, you should be able to get another for Herc later
Hulkling and CGR don’t really need it.
She needs about 180 sig tho…and Odin synergy and pre-fight, to get all the immunities from the start of the fight.
I also run her with OG Thor relic, that way you’ll get buffs if you can’t get power due to different nodes.