Nominate your choice for what will hopefully be the next round of MCOC relics

GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
I put up a poll recently and several summoners agree that more relics would be great. Which champ would you like to see. Please share one champ from each class and if you'd like give a brief description of one thing the relic could do.

MUTANT - Psylocke - Upon activation places a "x" second long power lock on opponent
SKILL - Falcon - After exiting attacker gains a "x" second lock on reducing enemy ability accuracy
SCIENCE - Rhino - After using striker next dash attack from attacker will be unblockable and unstoppable
MYSTIC - Symbiote Supreme - Upon successful attack from striker all buffs on opponent are immediately nullified
COSMIC - Ronan - Increases stun duration by "x" for the next "x" seconds
TECH - Civil Warrior - Places 3 to 6 armor up buffs (based on relic rarity) on attacker after successful activation


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,849 ★★★★★
    Mutant - Apoc relic - reduce purify AAR and increase dot damage.
    Skill - agent venom - increases bleed potency (similar to venom relic for skill class)
    Science - Abomination relic - increases poison potency
    Mystic - dormammu - increase nullify accuracy and power gain/steal potency
    Cosmic - Medusa relic - increase armor break/shattered duration and decrease robot aar
    Tech - Ultron - increase armor up/regen aar and provide special buffs for robots.
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