Bad Side Quest Entry Reward System

Two more hours late and I would have lost all of my week 2 entry keys of the side quest! So they suddenly popped up in my stash as items that are about to expire within an hour or two. And I don't even know if I have already lost a couple of the entries cuz I just logged in, in the morning and I pressed "claim" button without counting how many am I claiming or if some have expired. Sometimes if I've a busy morning I log afternoon for AQ and stuff and of that was the day today i would have lost a week worth of entries to the side quest. Please do not implement these kind of timed entries. This is my feedback to the game team and is acknowledged.
You should be able to go to that Solo Event that lasts all month, and claim 7 more milestones every week.
They were glitchy when showing in Stash - Rewards initially last week, but seem to have been fine in Solo Events since then.
(Tip, any rewards that show in Stash - Rewards, that are ALSO still part of active month-long Solo Events, will still be there in Solo Events for the whole duration, even if the shorter Stash Timer would expire and be removed from being able to claim via Stash).
Think they might have all been claimable directly in Solo Event as well.
(I left them there, didn’t claim them).
After a couple days, the “appeared early” (ie, week's 2-4 worth) correctly went away from Stash.
And now, only the next 7 each week have been showing as claimable then.
Anyways, doesn’t matter if Stash says expiring.
They are STILL THERE in the Solo Events, because the Solo Event lasts all 4 weeks.