Mastery number wrong?

Hey what’s up just wondering if there’s something I haven’t unlocked or if there’s something wrong but I’m level 50 and I have 45 mastery points but I already completed exploration for act 4 and got the 4 extra ones. The max is 59 right?
When did you do 1st pass thru for “Completion” of that ?
Was it after they had moved Masteries from 100% Explore to Completion back in August ? If so, then yes you should have them.
Or were you already 1st pass Completion before August, and only later went on to finish 100% after the change ?
If so, then compensation of missing points is still being worked on by Kabam.
But only being Level 50, not sure if there weren’t more points coming for you that you need to reach Level 60 in order to have them all (except for any missing Act-4, or high-end Necropolis, points).
Yes, max is 59 (60 if you do Necropolis)
Then you have NOT gotten any those 4 chapter points yet.
But, DON'T go exploring it right now, because then you will fall into the current trap of not being able to actually get the Mastery points.
Wait until Kabam implements whatever system they are looking at putting in place (I’m not sure *what* that is gonna be yet).
You may or may not be part of what they give out, or it might be you'd have to do the Explore, but unknown right now.
So for ACT's that you had NOT already 100% Explored, your progress may be showing as 0% or some other lower %.
If you want to get 100% explore rewards, you'd have to go back in (ACT's 1-3 are OK to do now) and explore any paths that still have dashed lines.
And some paths may seem haphazard (dashed and completed sections on the same path), but any portion that is still dashed you would have to do again.
Still, a lot less to finish them up now, than it would have been to finish originally.