Necro Path 4 & 6 Team Choice

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
Alright, so I have paths 4 (Jubilee to Stryfe) & 6 (Odin to Mantis) left in Necropolis, and have set the goal for myself that I will finish exploration before 8.4 drops. Don't @ me about why I didn't endlessly grind for revives when that was open, but I do want to be revive conscious when choosing a team from here on out. A consideration when picking teams has been the fact that I can get a solid amount of team revives for a good price with the EQ deals, but if I just go all in on Aegon, I can save the units for better use on single revives. I'm most worried about Stryfe, Galan, and FAM, but I've seen people take Stryfe and Galan with Aegon without too much trouble. Here are my most interesting/fun/doable team options:

We'll call this "Aegon and the homies" instead of some 4 horseman pun. I've taken Aegon, Stryfe, Apoc, and Storm into paths on the left side and with storm as a horsewoman, her shocks can easily do 50k dps (before I awakened her). Stryfe might be useful for Stryfe, and I can still rely on Aegon for anything that she can't do. Apoc ramp on Jubilee is easy and early.

This is what I'm mot tempted by, the "Aegon Against All" balls-to-the-wall setup. Aegon is a beast, and I could throw on LC/DE when necessary if it saves me a few revives.

We'll call this the "Kate puts in some work" team. Solid synergies, relying on Aegon and Kate to do basically everything.

Any advice will be appreciated. Don't @ me for only having a 5* America.

Necro Path 4 & 6 Team Choice 6 votes

Aegon and the homies
BluestoneSigvaldPoesie66959 3 votes
Aegon Against All
jj_jj_9 1 vote
Kate puts in some work
GyanemdjerThePredator1001 2 votes


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    Do you have a doom? And a 5* or above sandman/human torch/void? Then take in aegon doom torch heimdall and proxima. Stryfe is pretty doable with aegon, but galan sucks tbh with Aegon, so is centurion. Doom works well for both.

    For path 6 just go Aegon against all
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★

    Do you have a doom? And a 5* or above sandman/human torch/void? Then take in aegon doom torch heimdall and proxima. Stryfe is pretty doable with aegon, but galan sucks tbh with Aegon, so is centurion. Doom works well for both.

    For path 6 just go Aegon against all

    I assume you'd recommend Torch for Diablo and Stryfe? I do have him and Doom at 6* R3, but even at R4, I didn't know if they'd make a significant enough impact compared to a 15% fury, 15% regen and +6% health, or the 20% health from Angela, Thor, or Nick respectively. Good to know though.
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