Kabam? How long can I be stuck in Necro?

How long can players be stuck before getting forcefully booted out of it? I was doing my final path of Necro, path-2, decided to be flashy and brought Aegon and Horseman Storm, turned out whole path-2 is Anti-Storm, which made me turn to Aegon but since that path also has "take damage if enemy is against wall" node, AegonGod began to show his limits.
All in all, I wasted lots, more like all of my units and handful revives I had and now I'm here. 😃

It'll take maybe a month to grind rest of revives, so does anyone know what's the time limit?
I'd love to buy units but due to no regional pricing it's very bad deal to buy them out of big-3 sale time period.
All in all, I wasted lots, more like all of my units and handful revives I had and now I'm here. 😃

It'll take maybe a month to grind rest of revives, so does anyone know what's the time limit?
I'd love to buy units but due to no regional pricing it's very bad deal to buy them out of big-3 sale time period.
So it's just 800-100 units which you can grind in 3 arena sets. Go for it.
I would love you to do in a 800 units and have anyone actually care.
Apparently not, 25% damage against wall not so fun.
I don't have 6* 7* shuri, I HATE wong in Necro, used him once, never again, Kate, I do have r5 but I'm not comfortable managing her debuffs.
That's the answer I was looking for, thank God no timer.
The guy was suggesting that second section can be done in 800 units.
The whole Necro path will need 3000 units at avg.
Necro 100% will need you to do it 6 times. So all in all, an avg player needs 20k units to 100% Necro.
Soo it'll be long stretch if you want to return to game just to do this quickly 😮💨
Also, you can park in an Everest quest as long as you want. I was camped out in Abyss for longer than I'd care to admit as I foolishly did Path 2 Come Out and Play Carina's and then continued on to the GM.
If I quit, all the boosts, potions, revives and units will go to waste that I used to reach this point.
Thankfully I already did lunar gift event and dragonman event.
What did you eat today? Spouting vomit on every other thread. People don't need your negativity.
Take a walk.
But they game never kicked me out of it. I might have annoyed my alliance mates by having my top champs locked out for so long, but the game itself didn't care. The only time I've ever been kicked out have been if I've been "stuck" in (or rather, forgotten that I was in) one of those daily quests. They do run on a timer and you'll get kicked out eventually if you stay there in too long. But regular quests? Nah, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Even if you were to get kicked out of it, Kabam can probably just plop you right back in where you were if you submit a ticket about it. It would mess up your ramp-up for Aegon, but it's possible. There have been cases of people accidentally clicking the "exit quest" button and being reinstated, I think.
It’s time for The Paragon to grind some arena, complete his last Necropolis path and finally become The Valiant 🥳
You can camp in a quest at least a month from my experience, but you miss out a lot by not being able to do any other quest.
Grind arena, get the units, buy the revives and get out of there asap 🙂