Vox is a great Maestro counter

Ever since Necropolis was released, it seems like everyone I meet in Battlegrounds has a really annoying Maestro ranked up. And I get it, he's annoying to fight. Mine's ranked up too.
However, ever since then, I've been trying to figure out good counters for him. One of the best ones I've found is Vox. Since Vox's Corrupted Buffs have increased ability accuracy, they don't care that you quickly start glancing all the time when fighting Maestro. When glancing, your ability accuracy is reduced by 100%, but since Vox's Corrupted Buffs have 300% ability accuracy, they still trigger every time you try to activate one. Then you're free to use special attacks in order to inflict a ton of Degen damage since the glancing only affects basic attacks.
The fight below was a little tricky but I ultimately walked away with almost a full bar of health.
Just in case anyone needs another counter for Maestro. If anyone has any other counters for him, please let me know in the comments.
However, ever since then, I've been trying to figure out good counters for him. One of the best ones I've found is Vox. Since Vox's Corrupted Buffs have increased ability accuracy, they don't care that you quickly start glancing all the time when fighting Maestro. When glancing, your ability accuracy is reduced by 100%, but since Vox's Corrupted Buffs have 300% ability accuracy, they still trigger every time you try to activate one. Then you're free to use special attacks in order to inflict a ton of Degen damage since the glancing only affects basic attacks.
The fight below was a little tricky but I ultimately walked away with almost a full bar of health.

Just in case anyone needs another counter for Maestro. If anyone has any other counters for him, please let me know in the comments.
Chavez is also useful with her heavy chain helps you knock him down quickly and her specials do a lot of damage against maestro.
First of all, vox is indeed one of the best maestro counters. If this was a beefier maestro i'd recommend eating that power sting damage at the end and recycle your degens into buffs. Here's some great demonstration of a nice vox vs maestro fight.
As for me i'm not a huge grinder nor whale so my account isn't stacked enough to be matched against Maestro accounts in BG ( planning to complete nerco in 2025 ), but ive been matched against a 6*R4 ( equivalent to the one in the video) and my r4 ascended absorbing man did quite well, finished with a high health total, power sting victory track. he should be a good counter.( abs man form pause isn't affected by AAR ) also his main damge is from specials. however do watch out for ur morph charge consumption. do it when he doesn't have glance.
If you like Vox, I can also recommend using him in Incursions. I'm not a huge fan of that mode myself but Vox is always fun to bring whenever I do play it. You can build some really interesting things around him. Increased degen duration, increased potency, inflicting the opponent with armor breaks whenever you inflict them with a damaging debuff, gaining fury buffs whenever you inflict them with non-damaging debuffs... It all just stacks up into an immensely powerful whole.
Thanks for the Abs Man suggestion, I'll keep that in mind.
Also, always fun to meet another Swede (or Swede-adjecent, as it may be). Not many of us about, haha.
Dman is pretty good to 🧨💥🔥🔥🔥
Heavies to reroll your buffs if you need something specific for a fight, and to apply armor break. Sp1s to handle buffs. I took mine to r3 and have no regrets.
And nah he don't need to be awakened to counter Maestro.
But in questing and alliance contents, If you actually want to use mojo for any fight, You would want him to be awakened.