Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Feature Suggestion: Dialogue prompts should have a voice

AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,857 ★★★★
edited February 18 in Suggestions and Requests
I see lots of dialogues being exchanged between particular sets of champions during a fight but they only stay for few seconds and are hard to catch or read. So if they add some sound effect or voice that will be good to notice them. Also they need to standout from other prompts.


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    GilbertoJuniorGilbertoJunior Posts: 79
    Victory animations should also have sound
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,139 ★★★★
    This is one of those things that sound good in theory but would be very distracting during an actual serious fight and would become annoying after a while
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    SilentArisSilentAris Posts: 62
    I want Deadpool variant which look like comic book style and do this talks in comics book boxes.
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    Sunstar19Sunstar19 Posts: 132
    Not only distracting but may result in bigger space required for game and updates due to new sound files
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    just a simple solution for distraction just turn it off in game settings
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    ShiroiharaShiroihara Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    I don't need something else adding to the lag
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