Nerfs and "character adjustments"

Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
So adding to the list.
Scarlett Witch
Black Widow
Dr Strange
Gwen Pool
Carnage nerfed before release bc he was op.

Now Loki, the only thing that might make him a ok champ to rank.

Aw is a complete **** fest. Rank down tickets were said to be used when You Kabam make character adjustments.

Ok, so now... Gwenpool? Hmmm How about Loki because not 1 person would rank him up until the Hela snergy... Hmmm ok Mordo?

Oh did you notice Night Crawler does not bleed anymore.

How about Carnage , all those that ranked him for nothing because he was the most awesome champ in testing...

Im just saying it really gets old, you debuff but rarely buff anyone. Let champs be great. I remember there was a statement that LOL was going to get easier...
Providing champs to do that would keep your promise right?


  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    And Steve Jobs owns a PC!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,952 ★★★★★
    Gwenpool wasn't a nerf. Carnage wasn't technically a nerf in the usual sense because he wasn't in the Roster yet. Mordo and Quake don't belong on that list. Loki wasn't a nerf. No idea what you mean by NC.
  • KihlgastKihlgast Member Posts: 111
    We are getting the stuff to take a 5* to r5. if that doesnt make lol easier, i dont know what will..
  • Lambda1Lambda1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    nightcrawler never had bleed.

    nobody knew about carnage being OP until kabam came out and said it during NYCC. nobody ranked carnage up because "testers said he was OP"

    gwenpool was clearly an exploit that was game breaking. i'm only mad i didn't take advantage of it when i could.

    those who ranked loki have nobody to blame but themselves. 100k damage cap is still incredibly high, in no other mode right now will you get anywhere close to that damage rating except lol. also they correct it before hela was even released.

    I agree with your post except for NC... He does inflict bleed damage on critical hits. It's not a buff it's instant damage... Check his abilities.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    @Armaganon00, nice list, those happened indeed (sadly, those nerf, sigh)

    The recent Loki's SP2 cap to max 100k damage output with curse placed & with Hela synergy, do you consider that as a nerf?
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Cleverly disguised thread to ask for RDT...
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Night Crawler is supposed to bleed, since 15.0 he does not.


    Gwenpool is different than Magik when it comes to power locking. Taking a chance to bleed from 50 to 5 is huge. There was no exploit, because we are not playing a pvp game. The AI can recover and hit you no matter what you do.

    Loki - Anytime you have a champ that does massive dmg and that dmg is reduced or capped it is 100% a nerf. Thor and Starlord got hit with this. Loki is a underwelming champ with out Hela. To cap him, it makes him almost useless again. Its not easy to keep a curse up, and he had a purpose.

    Carnage - really dont count but should be noted because Kabam stated at Comic Con he was to powerful so they scaled him back.

    It takes so long to get a champ you been waiting for that clears certain content. I have been waiting 2 years, still no starlord or wolverine. If a champ is powerful, leave them powerful. There are plenty of useless champs in the game that look cool. Some champs should be op, they are in the comics they should be here.

    The Gwenpool thing was a exploit people could power lock the opponent then spam heavy and just have tje opponent corner locked because her padlock debuff can refresh at the cost of a bleed
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    You don’t know that isn’t a bleed debuff. It just does straight damage. It does scale with dw but it does work as intended for NC. If you watch when you crit, there will be a second damage number in red and that’s the bleed damage. No debuff is applied and it doesn’t affect bleed immune champs
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    The Gwenpool thing was a exploit people could power lock the opponent then spam heavy and just have tje opponent corner locked because her padlock debuff can refresh at the cost of a bleed

    So can Magik, i can power lock the opponent the entire match after sp2.. Og vision complete power control, Age of ultron vision... Hmmmm Hawkeye can prevent them getting to a sp...

    Oh pyslock can make it where you never get power again....

    All those champs do that.. You can still mess up and get hit.. Also you dont even have to mess up...The ai can do random $%#@ that you have no control over and you get wrecked.

    By no means is complete power control a exploit. If so all those champs above will be nerfed 2.
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    Night Crawler is supposed to bleed, since 15.0 he does not.
    He doesn't actually apply the bleed debuff. Instead, the damage that would have been done over a full bleed is dealt instantly.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    NOT MY VISION! You make a very good point arma!
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2017
    The Gwenpool thing was a exploit people could power lock the opponent then spam heavy and just have tje opponent corner locked because her padlock debuff can refresh at the cost of a bleed

    So can Magik, i can power lock the opponent the entire match after sp2.. Og vision complete power control, Age of ultron vision... Hmmmm Hawkeye can prevent them getting to a sp...

    Oh pyslock can make it where you never get power again....

    All those champs do that.. You can still mess up and get hit.. Also you dont even have to mess up...The ai can do random $%#@ that you have no control over and you get wrecked.

    By no means is complete power control a exploit. If so all those champs above will be nerfed 2.

    The key point in your post is: "you can still mess up and get hit"

    With everyone you mentioned, in order to power lock permanently you still have to parry, intercept etc. to be able to hit them whereas with the Gwenpool exploit you just keep spamming heavy and there's nothing that can be done so it was an exploit.

    Now did kabam make the right fix? probably not and did nerf her heavy (I have Gwenpool at 5/50 and rarely use her heavy so didn't really care about the nerf).

    What they should have done was changed the way the heavy inflicts bleed and prevent the exploit with a more fair change than by just nerfing her heavy.

    She's still a great champion though.

    Regarding the OPs list though, the only champion that is pretty much unusable after their nerf is DS (and maybe black Widow).

    The main issue is the companies testers, most of the issues (silent nerfs) that occur to new champions should have been found in the testing phase so this shows they either don't test or don't test much.

    I do wish they would spend some time buffing older champions, even at 1 or 2 a month would be a good start and wouldn't take too much time away from the devs other responsibilities.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    That is exactly what I do with vision...keep em cornered and keep em powerless. Don't have gwen but if that was the issue it does make that a valid question...if other champs do the same then??? Huh?
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    Rap wrote: »
    That is exactly what I do with vision...keep em cornered and keep em powerless. Don't have gwen but if that was the issue it does make that a valid question...if other champs do the same then??? Huh?

    How do you keep someone in the corner using vision the entire fight without them gaining any power?
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    I hit them with sp 1 over and over
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    Seriously I take on larger Thor's with him. If I have larger opponents in a match (his squad is scarlet witch and phoenix) if I have two type advantage for them and a Thor left over I face off Thor with vision...and seriously can't remember loosing to Thor...ever...
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    The only reason gwenpool's heavy was an exploit was because Kabam designed the AI in such a way that in order for the AI to avoid getting heavied over and over again in a corner is by launching a special attack.

    That is their own flaw in game design. All they have to do is give the AI some capacity to evade a special attack like how players can and the problem will be solved.

    So while they allow the AI to do tonnes of things that they player couldn't, they fail to let the AI evade a heavy without needing to trigger auto evade.
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2017
    Rap wrote: »
    I hit them with sp 1 over and over

    So how do you build up the power to sp1 and how do you guarantee it will hit them and not be blocked?
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    How about Carnage , all those that ranked him for nothing because he was the most awesome champ in testing...

    LOL. Carnage was released as it is for the players.

    No one knows how a character is during testing, except Kabam. So your logic is flawed.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    Lambda1 wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    nightcrawler never had bleed.

    nobody knew about carnage being OP until kabam came out and said it during NYCC. nobody ranked carnage up because "testers said he was OP"

    gwenpool was clearly an exploit that was game breaking. i'm only mad i didn't take advantage of it when i could.

    those who ranked loki have nobody to blame but themselves. 100k damage cap is still incredibly high, in no other mode right now will you get anywhere close to that damage rating except lol. also they correct it before hela was even released.

    I agree with your post except for NC... He does inflict bleed damage on critical hits. It's not a buff it's instant damage... Check his abilities.

    inflicting bleed damage and inflicting bleed are two separate things.

    just like aura of incineration inflicting incinerate damage that vulture can't convert or whatever vulture does with the incinerate debuff.
  • ackrite26ackrite26 Member Posts: 51
    Carnage was seen to kill ROL WS in under 100 hits way before comic con and before his release.
    Get your facts right.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    ackrite26 wrote: »
    Carnage was seen to kill ROL WS in under 100 hits way before comic con and before his release.
    Get your facts right.

    Source? I only ever herd of him being op when the dev said so at comic con
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    ackrite26 wrote: »
    Carnage was seen to kill ROL WS in under 100 hits way before comic con and before his release.
    Get your facts right.

    link to vid?
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    Ummm hmm not sure exactly how to answer that G. I have Hella block and stun em. And I almost never get blocked...pound up my 1st and "zap" now they do sometimes get past the sp1 but I keep draining it and they never fire it...or if they do I block it. One reason I am not so keen on unblockable node buffs or champs that have unblockable specials. But that's is basically the routine...push em in a corner, block and stun and drain...
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    The main point is for kabam to stop making champs weaker. Keep champs strong, and buff other champs... Let all the champs have purpose or merit to be ranked up.
  • Ortem420Ortem420 Member Posts: 76
    The main point is for kabam to stop making champs weaker. Keep champs strong, and buff other champs... Let all the champs have purpose or merit to be ranked up.

    Exactly. It seems pointless to have all these characters and keep bringing out new ones when the majority is only ranking up the few good ones KAGAN has allowed. You see ppls profiles and you rarely see BB, BW or IF as their top hero. Its always the same ones over and over again. I mean, they are heroes right? So they each should have a purpose and reason to be someones favorite. Why even have class advantage if a 3* Dr. Strange or SW can easily take out a 4* duped LK. It's pointless. More diversity on buffed heroes means a more competitive AW and more reasons to rank up different characters. Instead of coming out with new heroes every month, focus on the ones that are playable and make them worth that spot on the roster.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Most of these were necessary
    SW could keep her opponents power locked and stunned for 99% of the fight.

    Thor could kill RoL WS in 10 hits.

    BW stopped all of her opponents abilities from triggering for the entire fight.

    If you’re using DS and you **** up and your opponent hit you, if they did not INSTANTLY KILL YOU you were practically guaranteed to get back up to max health once he got health steal.

    GP wasn’t nerfed, she was adjusted so that she didn’t win by just spamming the heavy attack.

    Quake wasn’t necessary, but they buffed her damage output from aftershock

    Carnage was killing RoL WS in less hits than SL (though they did take the nerf several pegs too far)

    They didn’t nerf Mordo, they made him ever so slightly more manageable to fight against (there are like 15 champs that cause concussion and 10 that cause fatigue)
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    Since when does Willpower affect Concussion btw? Noticed this recently with Quake, almost timed out on the miniboss cause it took forever to kill. I mean, it makes sense, concussion is a debuff, but at least announce it in the patch notes.
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