Another fail from Kabam

The new Gold and Iso-8 crystal is terrible. If you're going to spend your solo shards, you're better off buying the supreme solo crystal and getting a few useful boosts. It's just been mistake after mistake recently from Kabam and Idk who on earth is making these decisions. It is impossible to play this game and think that is an even half decent crystal. It's not even bad, it is indisputably abysmal value. Would it have been game breaking to offer maybe some 6 star sig stones, awakening gems or shards (not even top of the game items but a damn site better than this nonsense!) 7 stars cost a LOT of iso to upgrade, and 6 stars aren't cheap either, so to give one t5 brick per crystal and a dribble of gold is a slap in the face.
They could have done better than this in many ways, such as offering double the iso and gold amount, but they chose to make these crystals outrageously bad value.
I don't know how many times they have to mention that there's a budget for all the distribution of rewards and it's sources. If it's not included, it's not because it would be game breaking, they just didn't feel the need for it to be there.
It's not a failure because it wasn't what you expected either because most of the community expects way more than will ever be needed.
Equally, I do praise Kabam for events like necropolis and the 7 for 7 challenge. There was no gun to my head forcing me to praise them here either, but we as a community wanted Kabam to know that we like those pieces of content, so hopefully they would make more like it in the future.
Have you ever gone to a garage sale?... Do you really think they want to sell an item for a dollar or less?... Well think of it that way... People had those crystals for so long.. might as well get a nickel for them.
I sometimes run out of iso and have hoarded a huge amount of solo shards but this tiny dribble of iso will make no difference to my account. We all though Kabam were upgrading the crystal since champions now cost far more to rank and level up but instead we've actually been given a worse trade in-option. I won't explain it all here as KT1 has just made a solid video that I think reflects most of our options.
So back to hoarding.
I much rather have 1 Iso brick or the gold than this 2 tbh...
I agree boosts (of course not arena ones) are better.
I am not trying to paint a landscape over a pile of garbage. I am just saying they have a slight use for some people. Its still a picture of garbage, it just has a frame now
Idk man, I guess the "no one forced you to do this" narrative doesn't work anymore either.
Find something better than this when people (that too on majority) express their distaste on something.
After you check that have in mind that I told you some people have this shards in the number of MILLIONS.
After you do that tell me if his complaint, request, wish or whatever you want to call it seems reasonable at all. Tell me that what OP wanted is not game breaking.
**** crystal turned into a less **** crystal.
OP was asking for 6* AGs!!!...
I agree, the ammount of ISO is really low, but some ISO is better than NO ISO.
Had OP said come on a T6 ISO brick at least...I wouldn't have said anything.. Of course a "deal" is gonna be bad if the expectations are unreal. A chance of a 6* AG for 20k solo shards? Even if they are giving 1 every month after doing content and objectives... 20k solo shards for 1 6* AG? That's unreal.