Do we need timers for champs with defensive activities at guaranteed time stamps?

As u guys know, many champs have various defensive abilities like evade autoblock and miss, and many of them have a cooldown timer showing that in how much time can we actually experience that ability the next time. Even offensive abilities have cooldown timers that display virtually. For example, Crossbones buff pause timer is live post update. It is a huge improvement as now I know when to use heavies and when to use combos. So I thought why not include this timer to every champ who has defensive abilities. Like modok, his autoblock goes on cooldown and then returns after sometime, even mid combo he can block your attacks and hit u back. I experienced this today while doing the 7.4.6 Carina challenge of Lagacy. It's just a little suggestion for a few champs kits only. As we know ultron has the evade timer. So I feel other champs should too. Comment your opinion pls!
What would be more helpful would be an icon showing the Potency of his Flux.
He actually gets huge boosts to his attack, Special damage, etc when he's at high Flux: doing this might actually give him some value on Attack, as we'd be able to take advantage of it. Without it, he's inconsistent to the point of not being worth using.
Definitely needs a timer
Also if I remember correctly Elsa has a purify mechanic that doesn't have a timer either