Why people are unhappy with MCOC

Imagine it’s Christmas morning and you are excited because Santa has brought you the best gift because you have been extra nice this year. When you open the box there is a picture of what you could get if you only wait a little bit longer and have to be nice to at least 5 more people over the next 4 months. Also, you have to save as many cookies as possible cause Santa don’t come cheap son. This is MCOC hashtags have ruined the game. People work all year to rank up their favorite most powerful champs only to be told nope he doesn’t work for this monster content. I get the challenge aspect. But base rewards should not depend on it. All the milestones should be obtainable by using champs already ranked up on big rosters. Bonus items like emotes, profile pics, exclusive champ skins, even. Through away shards like paragon crystals. Meta resources should not be blocked by ranking up the champs I’m not interested in. If all the major popular characters were at the top of the class then maybe people wouldn’t care so much. But honestly the average MCOC gamer doesn’t give a shot about Dust or Ironheart. They want to play end game content with spider-man Wolverine Thor Hulk etc. I have no enjoyment or enthusiasm to play for 3 hours using Shuri and Kate Bishop. Most people don’t geek out over kits and abilities. They feel out over piloting Spiderman and Hulk through a quest and feeling like they are escaping into a world were these champs can crush content
You can use Thor in KM's carina challenge!
Score!! 😃
This week for example, it’s different to use surfer in this challenge than it is Angela. I had to practice and work with surfer to get the rotation down to where I could handle the fight well.
As long as the game designers design the fight to where multiple of the options in the tagged champions work, then great! Odds are most people have at least 1 of those champs ranked up and that might mean having to learn to use that champion in a different way, but that is the fun of the challenge.
Last thing. MCOC is a fighting game with 250+ champs of differing abilities. It is boring to only use the same op champs for everything. Variety is needed for the game to survive.
Champ skin? What?
Kabam has altered the game to pressure summoners to rank champs we would probably never rank given the choice. Champs at the bottom of their class rankings. Champs that are placed somewhere at the bottom or middle of the entire roster.
Rather than rework and make those champs relevant throughout the game, they have instead opted to set up special events and situations, where, for a hot minute, they ARE useful.
There are 200 plus practically useless champs in the game. There is no way they can, or will, rework those champs. There are too many that have been left behind for better champs. So the solution is to front load them every time you start a new tier of champs, set up situations that make them "Required" and tack new synergies onto them as Better Champs are released.
If you are a whale that doesn't seem to be a big deal. But when you are FTP it is a big deal.
Not that kabam cares, but Ftp players don't have resources to waste ranking one hit wonders for isolated special events.