Group of ten looking for merger

1 full bg looking to merge with another ally all of us are above 17k prestige.
Looking for 300k bg minimum plat3/high plat4
Aq 6x6 and raids
Drop line!
Looking for 300k bg minimum plat3/high plat4
Aq 6x6 and raids
Drop line!
We’ve started a new alliance called Wades revenge with platinum 3 guys, we want to get back into the fun. Of the game. As you’re looking to merge. Consider joining up with us.
You can keep your team and run the battlegroup the revengers or black order. So you’d be responsible for the group you’re in within the alliance. Let me know .
Maskofgotham1 line app.
Alliance Name: Dias 2018
Alliance TAG: levb
My ID in game and Line: 3xad3m
Let me know if interested