AW Changes. Good or Bad?
So what are people’s thoughts on the new war updates and loyalty shatter? Personally this seems like a really weak addition and further emphasizes how pointless is unless you’re a top master’s alliance. Being plat and lower doesn’t really have any incentive for the effort put forth. Now the top tier alliances also get 2 7* SWs.
So what are people’s thoughts on the new war updates and loyalty shatter? Personally this seems like a really weak addition and further emphasizes how pointless is unless you’re a top master’s alliance. Being plat and lower doesn’t really have any incentive for the effort put forth. Now the top tier alliances also get 2 7* SWs.
reading stuff like this or something similar is what causes the continued imbalance of the game. it's why BGs is hitting a wall ... it's why this new content is constantly being bashed. all this catering and "listening" to the top this or top that is unsettling.
none of these rewards justify the time and effort when you have everything in the game. these "top" adjustments do only one thing. make the rich, richer. of course the rewards aren't going to be worth it when you're constantly being fattened and fed so heavily by Kabam.
how do you motivate an entire ecosystem of players when the "goodies" are seemingly always aimed at pleasing the "top" of the food chain. let's keep separating the pack to make the lions feel good. maybe if we give the top lions that one deer with the golden horns .. all the tigers and bobcats will want to hunt harder? no, that's not how it works. your tigers and bobcats will eventually find another jungle as has been proven.
every tier of war should feel valued. every progression should feel valued. i have no idea why that's just not the case. it's seriously mind bottling. how has this precious "ecosystem" gotten so out of hand? the separation between progressions is so far gone it's not even funny these days. gotta love protecting the ecosystem.
so my thoughts on these changes ... great for the usual suspects and well ... git gooder i suppose for everyone thereafter.
And of course bullseye is on the list of the defenders, because it's so fun to now be obliged to bring a bleed immune cause otherwise you'll die just by parrying him that much (the only way to remove indestructible is by well time blocks and it doesn't remove all the charges at once)
Not to mention zemo is on the list as well, the amount of block damage will be insane
When we think kabam is actually learning from it's mistakes, it brings a bs node that we used to hate so much during 2020
I mean I feel them, a little reward buff to help their monthly grind will be nice but lol no.
Maybe if you aren’t in the top 1%, Kabam starts to only reward 3 star shards for side quests and EQ. That will motivate everyone to pay up or suffer the consequences. (Am I doing this right?)
I played this node back in 2020, it's not the exact same one (the other was called stubborn) but it's very similar, people absolutely hated this node, the fights just takes so long in general and not to mention there's nodes and some champions on that list that will be unblockable for a certain amount of time, so while you're waiting the unblockable expire, boom another indestructible
The one champion with a high risk to become unblockable is NF, so use a mutant tactic attacker (15+ to chose from) and keep his tactical charges in check.
Basic play mechanics, don't really have to do anything special like intercept, or land a heavy, or specific combo. Just parry, hit them. And it doesn't have to be parry + stun. Just well timed block. Even the less skilled can manage that. The order will be: deal with the node, deal with the defender, deal with the tactic.