Immunities vs shrugging

In WoW Nebula fight if you go in with Scorpion while running liquid courage and the rupture prefight, he takes cold turkey damage. This seemed like a bug to me but when you use Apoc on the same fight while running double edge, he also takes the cold turkey damage when he gains his bleed immunity. That interaction I might be able to understand because the immunity is gained mid fight, but scorpion should be immune for the whole fight? I’d be curious to see if this is an intended interaction.
But nothing actually happens at the same time: computers don't work that way. If both are programmed to happen in the very first instant of the fight, one of them still has to happen first. Liquid courage is probably applying its poison debuff first, and then the prefight applies its immunities and the poison is immediately purified. Cold Turkey sees it and applies damage.