Battlegrounds narrative

Excuse me while I rant for a second. So full disclosure I’m a valiant player who fully enjoys battlegrounds more than any other content in the game. So I recognize my view is biased.
With that being said I get so tired of this one sided narrative that battlegrounds is a pay to win game mode. I understand battlegrounds has its flaws and a lot of them are created by Kabam. Having metas that severely limit rosters or metas that focus on being difficult first and fun second to name a few.
I hate this narrative amongst some content creators that Kabam purposely matches the smaller accounts vs whale accounts. When will the other side be addressed. There are too many whale accounts who purposely sit in the victory track to beat up on the smaller accounts. Then they will turn around and create videos saying it’s Kabam when it’s really them. Too many people have whale accounts but don’t have the skill to match. So what you really have is the older kid who got held back taking advantage of being left behind. You have a 5mill + account but can’t get out of victory track? Seriously. Then you go make videos claiming you wish it wasn’t this way but it’s kabam? 😂 No it’s you . You don’t want to advance because you’ll be on the other end of the losing streaks which is bad for content.
This doesn’t apply to all but it irks me to see it. Ok I’m done
With that being said I get so tired of this one sided narrative that battlegrounds is a pay to win game mode. I understand battlegrounds has its flaws and a lot of them are created by Kabam. Having metas that severely limit rosters or metas that focus on being difficult first and fun second to name a few.
I hate this narrative amongst some content creators that Kabam purposely matches the smaller accounts vs whale accounts. When will the other side be addressed. There are too many whale accounts who purposely sit in the victory track to beat up on the smaller accounts. Then they will turn around and create videos saying it’s Kabam when it’s really them. Too many people have whale accounts but don’t have the skill to match. So what you really have is the older kid who got held back taking advantage of being left behind. You have a 5mill + account but can’t get out of victory track? Seriously. Then you go make videos claiming you wish it wasn’t this way but it’s kabam? 😂 No it’s you . You don’t want to advance because you’ll be on the other end of the losing streaks which is bad for content.
This doesn’t apply to all but it irks me to see it. Ok I’m done
Also doing well in bgs requires time and effort. That's okay if you like the gamemode, but other players don't like it as much as you clearly do and are not prepared to invest as much for rubbish rewards. The store is getting buffed, but that's only for valiants, the solo event sucks and we are still ages away from the alliance event rewards getting buffed. Even the gladiator circuit rewards aren't great for most players.
I genuinely don't understand why Kabam can't give players either free victory shields or heavily discounted ones for paragons and below. As a valiant it's no sweat off my back and would incentivise paragon players to play more bgs as they would feel like they could make progress through victory track much easier. This would get a lot more players participating in bgs and would be healthier for the mode.