The Worst 7* In the Basic Pool

My vote goes to VtD. The damage he does is truly reminiscent of being slapped with a tongue.
Who could be a worse 7* pull than this blob of black marshmallow?
Who could be a worse 7* pull than this blob of black marshmallow?
Tell me one place where ironman infinity war exhibits superiority? Nowhere.
Also if we talk pure offensive, sauron and imiw both are worse than VTD.
But if you don't have hercules or high sig angela, Vtd is a great and fun champ for incursions. Sauron is useful for defense. What role does imiw provide? Atleast having a vtd means you have a incursions champ. He is terrible and cryworthy pull, but not the worst in the basic pool imo.
VtD is virtually useless for anything that isn't Incursions, would you prioritize Incursions over BGs? I wouldn't, therefore VtD worse cause he has zero uses for me hence he's still sitting at level 11 in my roster lol.
Imo and from my own roster, Hawkeye is way worst. Barely usable even in arenas.
Gladiator is getting buffed. Thing will be a great future champion. Do you know how many wins I got in BGs with my 6*.
I would personally trade my 2 Jabari pulls for 1 gladiator and 1 thing
We don't even know how good the buff will be, right now he's terrible that's all we know.
As for Thing, when exactly do you expect people to get him to sig 200? 2028? 😂
I think it's just the fact that you pulled her twice tbh, she's really not as bad as you think. She's not top 10 but she's decent nonetheless, calling her the worst in the Titan is objectively incorrect.
And who did I get? Venom the duck. AGAIN. Just kill me. What a f***ing waste of time and resources
Trust me i know it doesn’t seem like a good pull right now, but the difference is its only for now, whereas Jabari will always be an underperforming champ.
Can imiw or Sauron do a path in necropolis all by themselves? Vtd can!