Fintech Mojo or Tigra/Jabari

A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,032 ★★★★
So I am down to the worst 2 Content Creator Carinas.

Mojo is R4
Tigra is R4
Jabari is R3

I can ascend one after WOW this Wednesday.

I had purchased the TB offer to obtain 30% boosts and I got 5 of the potion deals at the end of the month. Completed Zemo and Avengers.... I have 83 revives left but not many health potions.

I will use units if I need to, seems like the better option compared to letting revives expire and not get used.

Just wondering if anyone has experience with these and which could be used with less healing up and using revives instead (lots of 40%).

Chip and unavoidable damage is a real worry here.

Thank you for any advice.

Fintech Mojo or Tigra/Jabari 28 votes

CazSungjGrootman1294CASrinivasDfour24AshacekarMenToWolvesHonorable_BluJayMarvelNoobSnorlaxKam 10 votes
Tigra / Jabari
Ackbar67xxKINGxJULIANxxcaptain_rogersMilan1405ItsClobberinTimeValkyrion99Z2f6hQSavage123456789CrcrcrcSirGamesBondJT_SupremeUltragamerRainwind76Wonderfulloser1948Dab_westTNK_131GalactikDonutvictor158 18 votes


  • Ackbar67Ackbar67 Member Posts: 467 ★★★★
    Tigra / Jabari
    You have to take twice as many fights with Tigra, so it will probably be more efficient to ascend her
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 868 ★★★★
    Tigra / Jabari
    Jabari and Mojo are available as 7*. Ascending tigra is more useful longtime and will take more fights, and she's a great champion in BGs and AW if you know how to use her. You only need Jabari for modok, scorpion and dormammu, tigra handles the rest.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,790 ★★★★★
    Ascend Tigra. Mojo challenge actually lets you capitalize on Team revives if you’ve been lucky with pulls. I had 6*R4 Mojo, 7*R1 and then I took my 5* to R5. This let me use team revives to make that challenge more cost efficient
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★
    Neither. Save your resources lol
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