So what im seeing here is that i can use my 7* r1 unduped antman instead of wasting resources on the 6*
I used unduped R1 antman. 1 revive on dragonman (RNG fight, you can use a duped antman and still use 10 revives), 1 revive on sassy (could have been a solo, just takes longer with unduped), about 4 revives on mojo (poor play, long fight) @ahmynuts The main problem with unduped is that you need to intercept to refresh debuffs, duped allows you to pause the debuffs everytime you dex. You can't pause with unduped.
So what im seeing here is that i can use my 7* r1 unduped antman instead of wasting resources on the 6*
I used unduped R1 antman. 1 revive on dragonman (RNG fight, you can use a duped antman and still use 10 revives), 1 revive on sassy (could have been a solo, just takes longer with unduped), about 4 revives on mojo (poor play, long fight) @ahmynuts The main problem with unduped is that you need to intercept to refresh debuffs, duped allows you to pause the debuffs everytime you dex. You can't pause with unduped.
That's good to know. I think I should be fine then
So what im seeing here is that i can use my 7* r1 unduped antman instead of wasting resources on the 6*
I used unduped R1 antman. 1 revive on dragonman (RNG fight, you can use a duped antman and still use 10 revives), 1 revive on sassy (could have been a solo, just takes longer with unduped), about 4 revives on mojo (poor play, long fight) @ahmynuts The main problem with unduped is that you need to intercept to refresh debuffs, duped allows you to pause the debuffs everytime you dex. You can't pause with unduped.
That's good to know. I think I should be fine then
Yes I think an unduped R1 would be okay but I think the Mojo and sassy fights would be a bit more annoying. Also duped antman usually maintains lots of debuffs on the enemy so with 3/3 inequity you reduce opponents attack by 36%. Combine that with glancing and he become super super tanky and easier to play. But if you're good with antman, you should be fine. Also maybe consider setting stat focus to physical resistance for extra tankiness? As the sassy fight is really long and it's super helpful to be able to block endlessly.
Firstly thank you very much for your details guild.
I'm about an average player (get to BG GC most season and used any average 100 revive on Necropolis, I think).
Would a R3 Thor (sig around 100) be do able (with some revises) for this challenge?
I have very limited resources, and most of it going into BWOG (both in term of sig stones and rank up), so really won't have much left for Thor.
Ideally like to get it done this month, since Zemo is part of this Saga thing, so would like to get that done too, but need to do the Avengers Challenge first to get the 2* Zemo.
Many thanks in advance for any further insight regarding Thor.
Firstly thank you very much for your details guild.
I'm about an average player (get to BG GC most season and used any average 100 revive on Necropolis, I think).
Would a R3 Thor (sig around 100) be do able (with some revises) for this challenge?
I have very limited resources, and most of it going into BWOG (both in term of sig stones and rank up), so really won't have much left for Thor.
Ideally like to get it done this month, since Zemo is part of this Saga thing, so would like to get that done too, but need to do the Avengers Challenge first to get the 2* Zemo.
Many thanks in advance for any further insight regarding Thor.
No problem, hopefully it helps you get through the challenge with minimal item use.
I would probably advise against using a R3 sig 100 thor. He will do far less damage not only because he is lower ranked, but the sig 200 is really important for Thor as he misses out on a lot of damage even with sig 100. I would suggest waiting if possible and maybe you can use sig stones from Winter of woe rewards to put into him as R3 sig 100 thor will not be able to get anywhere near soloing Vision or Terrax, and I don't think he would be able to solo Killmonger either.
TLDR: You can do it with a R3 sig 100 thor but it will definitely cost you a fair few extra revives. I would really try to get him to sig200 if possible, unless you have a lot of revives spare.
Did it earlier with all r3s. Wasn't bad. 1 left... The r3 Zemo run.
What was your item usage like?
3 team revives and 14 single revives. Pretty good lol, cuz I'm satisfied. A lot of close solos some mistakes and getting familiar to the champ spacing again. but I'll take it. I kinda cheaped out on many fights by not healing.
Did it earlier with all r3s. Wasn't bad. 1 left... The r3 Zemo run.
What was your item usage like?
3 team revives and 14 single revives. Pretty good lol, cuz I'm satisfied. A lot of close solos some mistakes and getting familiar to the champ spacing again. but I'll take it. I kinda cheaped out on many fights by not healing.
That's extremely impressive with all rank 3's. I had way higher ranked champs and it still cost me 2 team revives and a couple of solo revives. (Although the solo revives were due to dropped inputs which was so annoying).
This is very good data as it means on average a team of rank 4's will save you around 10-20 revives based on skill level, compared to a team of rank 3's.
It's a real shame about that stupid dragonman fight and void AI, otherwise realistically you could solo every single fight.
I definitely don't have revive to spare (especially since I hoping to do the Zemo one sometime soon after). 🤣🤣🤣
But yeah sig stones are still really limited (especially when this challenge is essentially asking for around 600 sig stones 😬)
I do agreed with you, the challenges itself seem like a nice idea, but the lack of champs resources support as part of the rewards is a big oversight.
Antman is fine at sig 20 btw, as are hawkeye and iron man. But yeah, thor and black widow really need sig200 which is a fair amount of investment for most of the playerbase (especially paragons as kabam did not buff their Battlegrounds store) and the rewards are very underwhelming.
Did it earlier with all r3s. Wasn't bad. 1 left... The r3 Zemo run.
What was your item usage like?
3 team revives and 14 single revives. Pretty good lol, cuz I'm satisfied. A lot of close solos some mistakes and getting familiar to the champ spacing again. but I'll take it. I kinda cheaped out on many fights by not healing.
That's extremely impressive with all rank 3's. I had way higher ranked champs and it still cost me 2 team revives and a couple of solo revives. (Although the solo revives were due to dropped inputs which was so annoying).
This is very good data as it means on average a team of rank 4's will save you around 10-20 revives based on skill level, compared to a team of rank 3's.
It's a real shame about that stupid dragonman fight and void AI, otherwise realistically you could solo every single fight.
Well, spider Gwen took me 5 revives due to not healing. combat power rate is key to reach sp3. I died so many times before reaching sp3.
This is a good guide, but I will add my own experience as you don't "need" 4/55 champs for this. I would definitely reccomend maxing black widows sig as having the max AA reduction will make fights like Korg significantly easier, and if you can afford sig stones into Thor then that will also help. His sig scales terribly until sig 200, and most of his usage in this challenge is just brute forcing damage with his armor break. I chose not to sig him up, but I think it would have saved a few revives. Also having Hawkeye duped is important for the critical bleeds, I'd rather use the 3/45 duped than the 7 star unduped.
MY TEAM: 4/55 Iron Man sig 200 1/25 7 star Hawkeye sig 40 3/45 Black Widow sig 200 3/45 Thor sig 19 3/45 Antman sig 20
ITEM USAGE: 2 greater green boosts, 4 attack boosts and 4 health boosts 12 level 2 revives 2 level 1 revive 1 level 3 revive 1 level 2 team revive 45 level 4 potions + misc potion usage.
Notes on important fights:
-Against Terrax, it took me four attempts with Thor. I ended up just abusing Thors stun chance and locking him down after his aura expired hoping to keep him stunned with the SP1 and the relic, which worked well for two attempts until the stun chance failed. There's not really a better way to counter this fight than just brute forcing it.
-Against Vision, I had a good run with hawkeye where I used his power drain to keep him from using the SP3 for a good chunk of the fight. You will just eventually die against vision so it's a good fight to use level 1 revives for. Thor is a better counter though imo.
-Korg was a solo with the 3/45 Black Widow, it took about 5 minutes but her sig negates almost all of the danger here. Worst part is just the block damage and dodging the SP1 over and over. Having her 4/55 would have just made the fight take less time, but the 3/45 with boosts can handle this fight fine.
-Dragon Man is a fight you should reserve a team revive or two for because nobody counters it well. My best attempt was using antman, and heavy countering his SP1 to apply the power sting. If you can stack fatigues then the petrify reduces his power gain but due to aspect of evolution eventually you will just die to block damage or an SP3.
-For Spidergwen, one tactic with hawkeye you can do is wait out the stun reflection, then just parry and heavy her at the end of the stun timer so you don't take the full one eye open damage. It's a lot easier than trying to heavy counter her heavy or specials to apply the slow.
-Mojo was an easy solo with the 3/45 antman, dupe helps a ton. Would reccomend the 3/45 sig 20 over the 7 star unduped.
-Sasquatch I got a solo with Hawkeye. It was a long fight, but I used a mix of SP3 and the SP2 to keep debuffs on him constantly so he wouldn't regen. Having max despair here will make this fight a lot more managable, but antman is probably a safer option. It's a slow fight regardless of who you use.
-Killmonger was a pain, mostly because Thors damage kinda sucks without high sig. I needed to heal here because the bleeds will constantly tick your health down as you try and keep him armor broken. That said, I didn't have coagulate or anything like that to reduce the bleed damage but I ended up using 3 revives for this fight.
-Void I got him down in 2 attempts with Hawkeye. Same as the OPs guide, use the specials when poison phase starts to get the bleed damage in and it will do a lot. It's a tricky fight though managing the spacing, and you should definitely use potions to heal up if you can.
-Thanos was a solo with hawkeye, 4 hit combo and holding block makes Thanos significantly less likely to throw specials so you can bait the heavy and counter. If you get a critical bleed SP3 then he just dies in third phase without ever landing an SP3.
If I was to change anything about my run then it would have been to use more sigs on thor, but ~15 revives to avoid ranking champs I'll never use again was worth it to me. I consider myself quite good at the game though, and I solo'd 11 of the fights with some fights only taking 2 attempts.
I got Void Down in 1 revive using Hawkeye. You need to time your SP1s to hit during the poison immune like the OP said. He’ll take massive bleed damage as it scales up from the power shield node. And you can hang back and manage the weaknesses as you only need to connect with the sp1. It was actually one of the best Gauntlet Void counters I’ve ever used.
I knew from day1 that this challenge was well thought out, and those champs were actuall proper counters. Not like those idiots who were bashing or even threatening Mike, before even giving it a try. Now I see more and more people are realizing this, and find themselves enjoying the challenge and using those champs.
I got Void Down in 1 revive using Hawkeye. You need to time your SP1s to hit during the need phase. He’ll take massive bleed damage as it scales up from the power shield node. And you can hang back and manage the weaknesses as you only need to connect with the sp1. It was actually one of the best Gauntlet Void counters I’ve ever used.
That was my strategy but maybe I just got unlucky when I used hawkeye as void just alternated between dashing into me without throwing his special, so I couldn't create space to get rid off the weakness debuff, or, more annoyingly he just stood there blocking in the corner and then debuffed me and I took massive damage. Anyway the void AI on that fight was so annoying as I expected to solo him with hawkeye tbh. Then, as I said in the guide the AI behaved more normally when I used my other champs in subsequent tries but I was so angry about the hawkeye try that I was still fuming and played badly for the rest of that fight as a result.
I got Void Down in 1 revive using Hawkeye. You need to time your SP1s to hit during the need phase. He’ll take massive bleed damage as it scales up from the power shield node. And you can hang back and manage the weaknesses as you only need to connect with the sp1. It was actually one of the best Gauntlet Void counters I’ve ever used.
That was my strategy but maybe I just got unlucky when I used hawkeye as void just alternated between dashing into me without throwing his special, so I couldn't create space to get rid off the weakness debuff, or, more annoyingly he just stood there blocking in the corner and then debuffed me and I took massive damage. Anyway the void AI on that fight was so annoying as I expected to solo him with hawkeye tbh. Then, as I said in the guide the AI behaved more normally when I used my other champs in subsequent tries but I was so angry about the hawkeye try that I was still fuming and played badly for the rest of that fight as a result.
Yeah you definitely had the right strategy. I agree on R4 Sig 200 BW too. She solo’d Korg, Spider Ham, MODOK and Thing for me. She was quite good
I knew from day1 that this challenge was well thought out, and those champs were actuall proper counters. Not like those idiots who were bashing or even threatening Mike, before even giving it a try. Now I see more and more people are realizing this, and find themselves enjoying the challenge and using those champs.
Yes, overall the main problem with the challenge is that it requires high level champs and lots of investment for basically no rewards, but people need to remember that's Kabam's fault, not Mikes.
The only fight that was bulls*** was that dragonman who is an RNG BS fiesta. The fact that you can play perfectly and he can just turtle up and then SP3 you really annoying. If they put a node like 'Intercept to put a taunt on dragonman' or an 'aggressive' node, it would be MUCH more enjoyable. Like someone else said, you can get lucky and spend 1 revive or you can get really unlucky and spend 10. One team revive isn't the end of the world but I REALLY hate spending revives when I play perfectly.
I think the void fight would have actually been okay if I didn't get unlucky and get the worst AI imaginable as well. And the dropped inputs/lag really pissed me off as it cost me 2 unnecessary revives. I get that Kabam have acknowledge and are trying to fix it, but to nerf revive farming while these issues plague players is OUTRAGEOUS.
I knew from day1 that this challenge was well thought out, and those champs were actuall proper counters. Not like those idiots who were bashing or even threatening Mike, before even giving it a try. Now I see more and more people are realizing this, and find themselves enjoying the challenge and using those champs.
Yes, overall the main problem with the challenge is that it requires high level champs and lots of investment for basically no rewards, but people need to remember that's Kabam's fault, not Mikes.
The only fight that was bulls*** was that dragonman who is an RNG BS fiesta. The fact that you can play perfectly and he can just turtle up and then SP3 you really annoying. If they put a node like 'Intercept to put a taunt on dragonman' or an 'aggressive' node, it would be MUCH more enjoyable. Like someone else said, you can get lucky and spend 1 revive or you can get really unlucky and spend 10. One team revive isn't the end of the world but I REALLY hate spending revives when I play perfectly.
I think the void fight would have actually been okay if I didn't get unlucky and get the worst AI imaginable as well. And the dropped inputs/lag really pissed me off as it cost me 2 unnecessary revives. I get that Kabam have acknowledge and are trying to fix it, but to nerf revive farming while these issues plague players is OUTRAGEOUS.
I dissagree with the "requires high level champs" part. Gauntlet was released when R3s were top level, so it definitely is doable with 6R3s (I did). Also, at the same time the concept of ranking champs to do the content is not new. It's just not all rankups are gonna be as valuable as Herc, Scorp, Ghost or whatever op champ you use. Either way, the players that should attempt these challenges should have no issue getting the resources for rankups.
The main problem with unduped is that you need to intercept to refresh debuffs, duped allows you to pause the debuffs everytime you dex. You can't pause with unduped.
Wasn't bad.
1 left... The r3 Zemo run.
Firstly thank you very much for your details guild.
I'm about an average player (get to BG GC most season and used any average 100 revive on Necropolis, I think).
Would a R3 Thor (sig around 100) be do able (with some revises) for this challenge?
I have very limited resources, and most of it going into BWOG (both in term of sig stones and rank up), so really won't have much left for Thor.
Ideally like to get it done this month, since Zemo is part of this Saga thing, so would like to get that done too, but need to do the Avengers Challenge first to get the 2* Zemo.
Many thanks in advance for any further insight regarding Thor.
I would probably advise against using a R3 sig 100 thor. He will do far less damage not only because he is lower ranked, but the sig 200 is really important for Thor as he misses out on a lot of damage even with sig 100. I would suggest waiting if possible and maybe you can use sig stones from Winter of woe rewards to put into him as R3 sig 100 thor will not be able to get anywhere near soloing Vision or Terrax, and I don't think he would be able to solo Killmonger either.
TLDR: You can do it with a R3 sig 100 thor but it will definitely cost you a fair few extra revives. I would really try to get him to sig200 if possible, unless you have a lot of revives spare.
Pretty good lol, cuz I'm satisfied. A lot of close solos some mistakes and getting familiar to the champ spacing again. but I'll take it.
I kinda cheaped out on many fights by not healing.
This is very good data as it means on average a team of rank 4's will save you around 10-20 revives based on skill level, compared to a team of rank 3's.
It's a real shame about that stupid dragonman fight and void AI, otherwise realistically you could solo every single fight.
Many thanks for the reply.
I definitely don't have revive to spare (especially since I hoping to do the Zemo one sometime soon after). 🤣🤣🤣
But yeah sig stones are still really limited (especially when this challenge is essentially asking for around 600 sig stones 😬)
I do agreed with you, the challenges itself seem like a nice idea, but the lack of champs resources support as part of the rewards is a big oversight.
I died so many times before reaching sp3.
4/55 Iron Man sig 200
1/25 7 star Hawkeye sig 40
3/45 Black Widow sig 200
3/45 Thor sig 19
3/45 Antman sig 20
2 greater green boosts, 4 attack boosts and 4 health boosts
12 level 2 revives
2 level 1 revive
1 level 3 revive
1 level 2 team revive
45 level 4 potions + misc potion usage.
Notes on important fights:
-Against Terrax, it took me four attempts with Thor. I ended up just abusing Thors stun chance and locking him down after his aura expired hoping to keep him stunned with the SP1 and the relic, which worked well for two attempts until the stun chance failed. There's not really a better way to counter this fight than just brute forcing it.
-Against Vision, I had a good run with hawkeye where I used his power drain to keep him from using the SP3 for a good chunk of the fight. You will just eventually die against vision so it's a good fight to use level 1 revives for. Thor is a better counter though imo.
-Korg was a solo with the 3/45 Black Widow, it took about 5 minutes but her sig negates almost all of the danger here. Worst part is just the block damage and dodging the SP1 over and over. Having her 4/55 would have just made the fight take less time, but the 3/45 with boosts can handle this fight fine.
-Dragon Man is a fight you should reserve a team revive or two for because nobody counters it well. My best attempt was using antman, and heavy countering his SP1 to apply the power sting. If you can stack fatigues then the petrify reduces his power gain but due to aspect of evolution eventually you will just die to block damage or an SP3.
-For Spidergwen, one tactic with hawkeye you can do is wait out the stun reflection, then just parry and heavy her at the end of the stun timer so you don't take the full one eye open damage. It's a lot easier than trying to heavy counter her heavy or specials to apply the slow.
-Mojo was an easy solo with the 3/45 antman, dupe helps a ton. Would reccomend the 3/45 sig 20 over the 7 star unduped.
-Sasquatch I got a solo with Hawkeye. It was a long fight, but I used a mix of SP3 and the SP2 to keep debuffs on him constantly so he wouldn't regen. Having max despair here will make this fight a lot more managable, but antman is probably a safer option. It's a slow fight regardless of who you use.
-Killmonger was a pain, mostly because Thors damage kinda sucks without high sig. I needed to heal here because the bleeds will constantly tick your health down as you try and keep him armor broken. That said, I didn't have coagulate or anything like that to reduce the bleed damage but I ended up using 3 revives for this fight.
-Void I got him down in 2 attempts with Hawkeye. Same as the OPs guide, use the specials when poison phase starts to get the bleed damage in and it will do a lot. It's a tricky fight though managing the spacing, and you should definitely use potions to heal up if you can.
-Thanos was a solo with hawkeye, 4 hit combo and holding block makes Thanos significantly less likely to throw specials so you can bait the heavy and counter. If you get a critical bleed SP3 then he just dies in third phase without ever landing an SP3.
If I was to change anything about my run then it would have been to use more sigs on thor, but ~15 revives to avoid ranking champs I'll never use again was worth it to me. I consider myself quite good at the game though, and I solo'd 11 of the fights with some fights only taking 2 attempts.
Now I see more and more people are realizing this, and find themselves enjoying the challenge and using those champs.
The only fight that was bulls*** was that dragonman who is an RNG BS fiesta. The fact that you can play perfectly and he can just turtle up and then SP3 you really annoying. If they put a node like 'Intercept to put a taunt on dragonman' or an 'aggressive' node, it would be MUCH more enjoyable. Like someone else said, you can get lucky and spend 1 revive or you can get really unlucky and spend 10. One team revive isn't the end of the world but I REALLY hate spending revives when I play perfectly.
I think the void fight would have actually been okay if I didn't get unlucky and get the worst AI imaginable as well. And the dropped inputs/lag really pissed me off as it cost me 2 unnecessary revives. I get that Kabam have acknowledge and are trying to fix it, but to nerf revive farming while these issues plague players is OUTRAGEOUS.
This is the next Carinas I will be tackling once I get all the champs where they need to be. 😎
Also, at the same time the concept of ranking champs to do the content is not new. It's just not all rankups are gonna be as valuable as Herc, Scorp, Ghost or whatever op champ you use.
Either way, the players that should attempt these challenges should have no issue getting the resources for rankups.
It seem like Antman main fight is Mojo, as it is seem possible to take Sassy with Hawkeye.
For anyone that got this done, can Mojo be taken by anyone else?