
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★

    Well Kabam, you have definitely created an utterly abysmal game mode with the introduction of this Magic Global Tactic. Some defender combinations on certain war nodes, with this global tactic on top, has created some of the most dreadful experiences I’ve had with this game. It feels like minimal testing and thought went into this tactic. You guys have destroyed the war game mode with this. I mean there have been some awful experiences with war over the years with some of the changes you guys made… but this one tops it I think. There are so many situations where you are left with minimal counters to some of these nasty ass defenders , coupled with these node and tactic combinations. A horrific and unbelievably frustrating game that should be fun to play. Not leaving you with wanting to smash your phone!! I don’t think I’ve plundered soooo many revives into a war matches this season, as I have ever done so before. I know revives are 1 loyalty… but even if the revives were free, I’d rather never ever play war again if this tactic is going to remain as it is!!

    You guys HAVE to do better than this. Clearly the huge number of comments and views on this thread must have sent alarm bells ringing to your game designers and your quality of testing.

    my concern is they added the ELITE map and an entire economy based around sagas so any changes will be very slow.

    if the global is too oppressive, they can't just add more champs to the list without thinking hard about which ones they can and can't do, since we have 7* sig stones from the monthly sidequests tied to SAGA champs and kabam might want a tight restriction on who can and can't get them, which is why i'm surprised they added sunspot to the tag, as he's a common 7* r3 and high prestige.

    i'm guessing SAGA rank up materials are mainly there to pump up 6*s and not meant for the great 7*s.

    i'm not sure if they had featured decay/sugar pill crystals for sale, i think they did, but we got the xmagica featured crystals so deals are also being based around's a slow moving rock and who knows if they'll ever backtrack.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    GabeZRod said:

    The fact that Bullseye, Serpent, and Killmonger alone are in this defense tactic is heinous. Everyone is just maximizing these champs because it’s an automatic loss of attack bonus wherever they appear. War used to be my favorite tactic. I have spent countless hours developing a huge defense planning spreadsheet, and right now I can barely get people to join without threatening to leave the alliance

    I wouldn't say automatic, I've solo'd plenty of Bullseyes and Killmongers. Haven't actually faced a serpent on my path or mini yet.
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  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 738 ★★★
    edited March 2024
    My whole ally agrees…. We had 200 deaths because of this ridiculous node. Never in our alliance history have we had that many deaths before. The node it’s wouldn’t be that bad if they gave us a better counter to it. Very poorly created on who thought of it.
  • bor001bor001 Member Posts: 28
    We have a number of players who played war 5 & are blocked from playing war 6 .. player joined after quest started .. a miserable awful experience with everything else .. only reason we are keeping players is we have a do your best attitude .. Kabam with their Saga BS will not change .. we don’t care at this stage .. have been a loyal player from
    start & leader of alliance since 2017 .. too much stress for me now
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    FunnyDude said:

    GabeZRod said:

    The fact that Bullseye, Serpent, and Killmonger alone are in this defense tactic is heinous. Everyone is just maximizing these champs because it’s an automatic loss of attack bonus wherever they appear. War used to be my favorite tactic. I have spent countless hours developing a huge defense planning spreadsheet, and right now I can barely get people to join without threatening to leave the alliance

    I wouldn't say automatic, I've solo'd plenty of Bullseyes and Killmongers. Haven't actually faced a serpent on my path or mini yet.
    Unfortunately, it's not just about you, it's about another 29 players in your alliance. If handful of them can't do this kind of fight anymore, your alliance is in trouble, alliance is built based on human relationship, you can't just run it like recruiting a bunch of mercenaries.

    I do believe there are very good players in all war tiers, but when the game content is too difficult, some of them can't follow up and quit, this will destabilise alliance, which is foundation of the game.

    No the node is overtuned I've said this from the start that it's going to drive players away and it should never have been put out. Especially since they ban iceman and that's a big part of the hazard shift side gone.

    I was just replying to the guy that said any Bullseyes or Killmongers are instant attack bonuses lost. I'm sure most players can at least salvage some attack bonus on bullseye now, and killmonger is very easily manageable when is isn't on one eye open hazard shift.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    i think whoever is doing this is either being forced to by the money guys, or has let things get to their head and refuses to think about the players, and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
    If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then someone didn't give Kabam the rulebook on how you're supposed to break bad news. In my Navy days, they'd at least give you steak and lobster first before sending the word out "Guess what?! You guessed it. Deployment extension for 2 more months!"

  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,617 ★★★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    i think whoever is doing this is either being forced to by the money guys, or has let things get to their head and refuses to think about the players, and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
    I don't think it was the money guys, I think it was a genuine attempt to make T1/2 wars more difficult to split the alliances out more at that level.
    Unfortunately they applied to change to T4/5 alliances when there was never really a problem.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    i think whoever is doing this is either being forced to by the money guys, or has let things get to their head and refuses to think about the players, and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
    I think it was a genuine attempt to make T1/2 wars more difficult
    i really hope they put a stop to it because t1 isn't anything special and they're not immune to the problems being talked about. a handful of teams at the top can maybe handle it, but most can't. the ELITE map agenda needs to go.
  • travgianttravgiant Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2024
    Can we please just get some sort of response on this, people clearly hate this.
    This is the least fun I’ve ever had in this game by so so far
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,285 ★★★★
    It is wild that this thread is still going without some version of Kabam response. I've seen Jax edited someone's post, which means they are definitely watching why no word? Not even a 'we will open discussions with the community' or something?
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    At this point I’m having a hard time justifying the use of 1 loyalty revives.

    Zero chance I’m playing aw next season if they continue doubling down on these bs metas.
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  • StatureStature Member Posts: 474 ★★★

    Crush started it, this tactic made it worse. Kabam really wants to kill the mode. If this is being made by anyone who has played the game in a top tier alliance, then either they're forced by Kabam to make such **** tactics which totally ignores the 'involvement of high tier player opinions' or that person is just someone who wants to tailor war to his/her own needs and doesn't care about the community. If that's the case, war is doomed. My Alt is in T5 and no one wants to do this meta.

    i think whoever is doing this is either being forced to by the money guys, or has let things get to their head and refuses to think about the players, and the most cynic in me thinks it's something else but i don't want to say it.
    I don't think it was the money guys, I think it was a genuine attempt to make T1/2 wars more difficult to split the alliances out more at that level.
    Unfortunately they applied to change to T4/5 alliances when there was never really a problem.
    Don't think it was directly money, but it is likely they aren't happy with the trend in consumables post the 1 loyalty revive change. Effectively it took out AW revives as a unit sink, with the expectation that increased participation will lead to increased health potion usage. That probably did not pan out. So now we have tactics which recreate the earlier issue of completely blocking off progression on some paths for less skilled players. Theoretically, you can chip out the defender with multiple revives, but for the first time since the 1 loyalty revive I have seen maps not fully explored in lower platinum leagues. People are just giving up, I believe that is the desired intent. The target is either to reduce the infrastructure load from AW by reducing participation or eventually tune it to a point where health potion and boosts usage goes up enough to justify the game mode.
  • Diem926Diem926 Member Posts: 37
    YoMoves said:

    It is wild that this thread is still going without some version of Kabam response. I've seen Jax edited someone's post, which means they are definitely watching why no word? Not even a 'we will open discussions with the community' or something?

    Just bring it up during the live stream on the 28th. It would be difficult for them to ignore if enough of the community is voicing the same concerns.
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