Necropolis: To Ægon or not to Ægon

Hi, I've already Ægoned 2 paths: Titania - Guardian & Red Goblin - Elsa.
My question is: are there any other Ægonable paths? I don't have Shuri, Kate Bishop, Wang nor Chavez.
My question is: are there any other Ægonable paths? I don't have Shuri, Kate Bishop, Wang nor Chavez.
Mr F path is Aegon+shuri.
Aegon sux in sauron path, better use kate there
Aegon can smash path 1 but for mr F path shuri is kinda must
For diablo I know you can use sandman, not sure about the other options for stryfe, but I believe aegon can do stryfe pretty well if you take it slow (pretty sure I read that somewhere) and I know silver centaurion is painful with Aegon and some people used a counter like Doom for him, but Aegon can definitrly do that fight, I know that one from my own experience smashing him with Aegon.