Who is everyone leaning to R5 for the Magic Heist event?

I just read the fine print and apparently we can only use those gems on MAX LEVEL champs.....So now I can't really do an out of pocket/funner rank up as I won't dump 200 sigs into a "fun" rank up. That being said .....who ya got/want? If your answer is Kingpin or Kate who is your 3rd pick (I have em both maxed ).....
I'm personally torn between a few....
White Tiger
Nick Fury
I'd say those are the top five for me.....in that order....but I JUST got Tiger like yesterday so I haven't played her a ton yet.
I'm personally torn between a few....
White Tiger
Nick Fury
I'd say those are the top five for me.....in that order....but I JUST got Tiger like yesterday so I haven't played her a ton yet.
It's cgr
I'm probably saving it for when I pull Kate Bishop.
But since Nick is already r4, I can use the Saga 3-4 gem on someone else. Most likely CGR…
Coin toss
Then new BG store update dropped and I upgraded kate
I can sit on the gem for some time.
No different than not letting you rank up a champ with catalysts until it's max LEVEL.
I dropped the cash for the pre release bundle because he's an absolute badass.
First and probably only time I will spend money to aquire a champ but damn, he was worth it.
Its a tuff call to make because I also enjoy Bullseye on attack with the 6* BP relic but am leaning more towards KP since its a long time to Bullseyes rebalance
Oh, I know. I also dropped the cash for the 6* and pulled the 7* from one of the 12 Borson crystals!!
Tested him out on some paths in act 8 and he did not disappoint!
I would have been stupidly happy if I had though! One for AW defense and one for attack, questing etc..