About the current state of the game

Does anyone have any specific number about how many frequent players still play MCOC and Kabam’s revenue last year, regarding to those current issues
_ Alliance War Placement bug
_ AI reparry situation
_ AI passive and refuse to throw special
_ AI light intercept more and more frequently
_ Control input with dex and parry timing
_ Dropping frame rate or AI recovery?
That’s seem too much to list any other more bugs! And the amazing thing is that Kabam still keep silent about it. I suggest they should change their LOGO 😂 like this! Unbelievable and unacceptable customer service
_ Alliance War Placement bug
_ AI reparry situation
_ AI passive and refuse to throw special
_ AI light intercept more and more frequently
_ Control input with dex and parry timing
_ Dropping frame rate or AI recovery?
That’s seem too much to list any other more bugs! And the amazing thing is that Kabam still keep silent about it. I suggest they should change their LOGO 😂 like this! Unbelievable and unacceptable customer service

Accusing them of this kind of stuff would be comparable to accusing the players who post complaints of just being plants by competitors to reverse astroturf the discussion forums. Equally conspiratorial, equally impossible to disprove.
Forum accounts can be made anonymously. So who's to say you're actually a real player of the game, and not a hired spoiler or a bot.
“Ill take fundamental misunderstandings of community programs for 1000”
(MCOC is a live service game.)
So, while waiting for new content, you'll either get used to bugs or move on, replaced by new users whose experience is bugs are normal.
This is the industry now. Search "video game industry layoffs" for more.