Does anyone still use the Inhuman Royal Family Trio?

I've been playing for a while and I've listened to and enjoyed many of the creative minds out there on YouTube. This Women's Month celebration has allowed me to learn about Allison Edits. I used to play around with Karnak and I actually like him a lot more than many I've had conversations with. Her video featuring his hitting into block strategy blew my mind (I completely overlooked that ability). I used to use the Inhuman Royal Family synergy back with maxed out 4 stars was the primary teams for clearing content, but since I've watched some of her videos, I've been giving the 6 star versions of these champs some time in the spotlight.
Hit Monkey (for his synergy with Black bolt)
and either Quicksilver or Magneto House of X
Not the "best" team but very fun to play.
(They have also been putting in work in AQ)
Hit Monkey (for his synergy with Black bolt)
and either Quicksilver or Magneto House of X
Not the "best" team but very fun to play.
(They have also been putting in work in AQ)
I have Black Bolt at 6* R4 sig and Medusa at R3 sig 60. Karnak never really interested me, but his synergy is less necessary, especially for Black Bolt. Hit Monke is nice to have, and him + Medusa + Black Bolt has been a very fun incursions team with the right RNG for opponents/buffs. I did just pul a 7* Vox from the Titan, so I may be running the Inhumans more now.
Edit: I actually need to run through Incursions again this cycle, and really want to test how crazy I can get the Vox Fury buffs to stack. I'll report back if it ends up being worth it.
I don’t really have a channel, but I do use the space just to continue my Inhuman propaganda so if you’re interested in seeing any of them used in a practical sense, I have a couple of those over here. Some of them are individual stuff, but I have some synergy content as well like the gang vs EOP, or vs the Brutal DLX quest for example.
Also, you totally don’t need to go full five member team with it to be good. I generally find that impractical (although when you have space for it, it can definitely be really fun, and very powerful), but smaller teams with either Dusa/Karnak/BB, or Dusa/BB/Hit Monkey, or sometimes even just Dusa+BB have use.
Please Kabam
Now ,maybe as a champ