A Champion Write-up: Wolverine(X-23)

L_217L_217 Member Posts: 109 ★★
Oh boy, it's been awhile since I did one of these. Last time we did a quick skim over Sentinel and viewed his place in the game both from a fun pov and a legitimate meta one. So with that, the next up on this list is...X-23!

This femme fatale is a simple yet lethal bleed champ that has stood firm to the test of time and we're going to explore that. I will be going over her offensive and defensive payout, as well as seeing if how much of a tune-up she would need if at all. Without further stalling, let's get into it.

As a Attacker

A counterpart to Wolverine, X-23 through each year has been a stable DoT generalist, with the unique trait of a potent heal much like her dad. From a glance at both of their base kits, it's noticeable difference that X-23 boasts more offensive traits at the cost of some sustainability, being in her more potent bleeds and her bleed immunity get arounds. "But what does she offer to the meta?", and to that I say "Nothing". X-23 and likewise the other Wolverines aside from Weapon X have been largely unimpactful in the current state of the game. Except that isn't necessarily true in two gamemodes, being Alliance Quest and Battlegrounds. Yes you heard me correctly, X-23 is viable for Battlegrounds and here is some proof of the case.
R5 Ascended Nick

R5 Bullseye

7 star R2 Attuma

Masochistic pleasures aside, I have had a lot of fun testing X-23's viability in BGs, and the results are there. Can it be better? Certainly. And don't let this detract from her current state, just know that she is usable. I have said I can say about her as an attacker from her base. Of course she is good for questing and is a great investment for those who auto RoL, so moving forward is to her potential...

As a Defender

At one point, X-23 was an okay defender in the early day of Alliance War thanks to her regen. Not much to say past that and I doubt she would ever be without some kind of rework, which I would not mind, but it would make her too similar to Weapon X and I prefer better ways of making champions defense oriented. So now we must ask...

Does she need a buff?

Short answer, yes. Long Answer, she needs a moderate rework and here's why. Firstly, she has 4 lines of text that are her abilities. That's it. As we've seen with champions like Falcon, Gamora, Luke Cage and Nightcrawler, there is only so much that being a stat stick for bleed and regen will get you in this game. There are a lot of directions it can go for X-23, and to me, none of them could go wrong. Personally, I would love for her to keep her identity as an assassin within the Wolverine family and focus on making her a lethal champion when as the opponent is lower in health. Another change that I think many can agree with is to make her regen more in line with her relatives in making it consistent, be it that she gains it when she fills a bar of power or when the opponent crosses a health threshold. All things considered, I have no regrets in ranking her and will continue my search of her viability until she gets a buff(which I doubt is anytime soon). Until then, see you later fellow summoners and remember. "I'm the second best at what I do."


  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,634 ★★★★★

    I do have a dupped X23 5 stars,maybe its time to rank up max
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