Magis heist tickets

I have 34 tickets rn but there is 3 days left on the solo event. Will i able to get the r5 gem? How many tickets yall have rn? Im doing the math but it doesnt seem to add up. Its so weird i swear i did the objectives everday and apperantly not only i missed 1 day but 2?
Make your calculations and if you are reaching forty points in total, you will get the gem.
But Im happy to get the last possible milestone...
My Sunspot 6* will be R4/5 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
How is that possible
Must be a big bug there is so many of us
So yes I would love just 1 more day
I'm 99% sure that I've missed zero days, I even checked about a week ago and I had the extra day to spare.
I sent a ticket to kabam and I got a response that I might've forgot to claim my points.
I don't think my account was actually checked but It's just so weird to me. I feel like it wasn't my fault. If I felt like I might've missed a day I'd own up to it.
I just hope someone from Kabam looks into this to make sure people aren't losing out because of some sort of glitch.