Didn't Recieve Reward From Raid Chest

ANIMEniacANIMEniac Member Posts: 166 ★★
Killed Maesteo in our BG, selected the Paragon Rewards from the first chest, rewards didn't pop up for me after that.


  • Buschi81Buschi81 Member Posts: 1
    Same Problem here. Knock Kang out, selected Paragon Reward from the First chest and nothing happened. Unlike my colleagues. They all get their rewards. In case the rewards were directly added to my stock, How do i get to know?
  • WeaponXWeaponX Member Posts: 146
    Same. After defeating Maestro on the left path in raids, I moved up the chest, the crystal choice popped up, I chose the Paragon crystal and nothing happened. The pop up just closed and it moved me up the path to Ultron.
  • ANIMEniacANIMEniac Member Posts: 166 ★★
    Hard to know if I got 12% T6CC or just never got anything. No noticable unit gain, catalyst gain, shard gain, and no mysterious Ultron in my account. XD
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