Battleground Matchmaking

I don't understand the Battlegrounds Matchmaking, in my last 20 games only 2 have had rosters that were as far advanced as mine. The other 18 games have just been people with rosters at least 2 times the size. I see people who have 10+ R2 7* champs when I have maybe 2 or 3 7* champs in my roster to begin with.
How am I meant to climb in BG's and get 5 wins in a row when I get consistently get opponents who's champs are so much stronger I cannot win at all?
How am I meant to climb in BG's and get 5 wins in a row when I get consistently get opponents who's champs are so much stronger I cannot win at all?
You mention 5 wins so you're in vibranium. Wait one more week to get to GC
You also need to remember that ALOT of people have given up pusing for GC because solo rewards are still garbage, and NC runestones aren't worth the time and effort it takes to get to GC.
If they do indeed buff the solo rewards for next season, I'm willing to bet that alot more people push past vibranium and get to GC, therefore you won't see as many stacked accounts in platinum/diamond/Vibranium later into the season.
I kept facing Valiant accounts with massively stacked rosters this season, but I took a few days off to focus on Showcase, WoW, and real life stuff. Came back to BG and quickly move up
Perhaps Kabam should nerf the rewards for lower progression players, so those players feel good after facing only "fair" fights.
And sometimes, even if you play perfect, that is not good enough…because others can play perfect faster than you 👻