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Should i spend 5k units on the last guilly piece

Sup guys, do you think buying a guilly piece for 5k units ( the one that was in bgs) is worth? if i get it I’ll be able to do the extra objective and reach King groot piece milestone when the time comes


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    kus234kus234 Posts: 223 ★★
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    BendyBendy Posts: 4,303 ★★★★★
    Ignieel said:

    Sup guys, do you think buying a guilly piece for 5k units ( the one that was in bgs) is worth? if i get it I’ll be able to do the extra objective and reach King groot piece milestone when the time comes

    If u need it to get the kg yes as to get thanos u need all anyway so u might aswell get her now get the sig and the extra point for the winter of woe
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    FinalfurykFinalfuryk Posts: 215 ★★
    edited March 22
    As it stands, right now is probably the best value you will ever see out of it. If you plan on getting her eventually then yes, grab her now. She will be used in the final gauntlet for Deathless Thanos and right now you can awaken her. If that stuff doesn't interest you than don't worry about it. She's not a meta changing champ.
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    OrtounOrtoun Posts: 624 ★★★
    Will you be able to make the KG piece without it? This is also likely the only time you will be able to awaken guilly, so that might weigh your decision as well
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    IgnieelIgnieel Posts: 53
    Ortoun said:

    Will you be able to make the KG piece without it? This is also likely the only time you will be able to awaken guilly, so that might weigh your decision as well

    No if i don’t get her i won’t be able to reach KG piece, it’s why I’m so tempted to get it
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    IgnieelIgnieel Posts: 53
    Pikolu said:

    I'd get it, it could save you another 5k units down the line if you decided you want KG.

    Aiight thank you! I’ll get it
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