Gamma I Empty

Does nobody at Kabam find this even a little concerning? 11 days left and Gamma I is still empty, participation just keeps getting worse and worse.

Last time I reached GC two weeks before the season ended I got sent straight to Uru 2, now I'll go straight to Arcane 3? I mean I'm not complaining cause rewards are nice but it feels like the game mode is slowly starting to die

Last time I reached GC two weeks before the season ended I got sent straight to Uru 2, now I'll go straight to Arcane 3? I mean I'm not complaining cause rewards are nice but it feels like the game mode is slowly starting to die

I believe the problem is that many higher tier players aren’t in any rush to grind and waste additional time/resources in VT.
There’s no incentive to reach GC earlier, and many strong players are advancing there by playing only the daily objectives.
At least that’s what I’m doing, to get the maximum out of my time/resources investment.
Kabam should seriously consider solo/ally event points multipliers (higher the VT/GC rank, higher the multiplier) to incentivise players to advance earlier.
Next seasons that will have the solo and ally BGs events milestones update, it’s a great chance to implement a system like that and solve the VT “camping” phenomenon 🙂
I don't want to deal with the nodes in GC, and that's a huge reason why I haven't pushed for it yet this season.
It's not all kabaams fault this is not entirely Kabams doing. There are some people who play this game as ultra competitive. There are a lot of people who are extremely casual and just like collecting and doing solo and easy stuff to get the best rewards. Bg in no way accommodates casual, less skilled, but mostly mid-skilled ftp who have always been able to still play masters war, you just quite frankly have to be the best of the best to finish in celestial as a ftp.
Valiants are basically dragging every single account that isn't Valiant down with them til the last couple of days for absolutely no reason, that's not healthy for the game mode imo.