Various Champion Bugs and Gameplay Issues
I've noticed a variety of Champion-specific Issues and bugs that I believe need to be addressed, most notably ones that affect the handful of Champions who have recently been reworked.
ONSLAUGHT: Special Attack 3 Power Efficiency
- Onslaught's Special Attack 3 is supposed to consume 4.5% less Power for each Neuroshock passive on the opponent, up to a maximum of 33% less Power consumed (meaning that this reaches maximum potency at 8 Neuroshocks). However, if Onslaught activates a Special Attack 3 while the opponent is suffering from more than 8 Neuroshock passives, Onslaught will be left with 0 Power instead of 33% Power, as though there were 0 Neuroshock passives on the opponent.
RINTRAH: #Dimensional Being tag
Despite the announcement in December that the #Dimensional Being tag would be added to Rintrah, the #Dimensional Being tag is still not added to his bio, and his status as a #Dimensional Being is inconsistent in circumstances where that tag is pertinent:
- He does not gain any of the benefits granted to #Dimensional Beings from Purgatory's Dimensional Buddies Synergy.
- Galan is only supposed to gain his Solar Intensity Persistent Charges when he defeats Champions who are not #Dimensional Beings, but he does gain 1 Persistent Charge from defeating Rintrah.
On the other hand:
- Rintrah does take reduced Degeneration damage while America Chavez's Out of This World Synergy.
- Blade's Danger Sense activates against him without any active Synergies, as it's supposed to against #Dimensional Beings.
MOONDRAGON: #Psychic Shielding tag
Moondragon is still inconsistently #Psychically Shielded. She does not have the #Psychic Shielding tag listed in her bio, and her status as a #Psychically Shielded Champion is inconsistent as well.
- She counts as having #Psychic Shielding while fighting against Stryfe, as his Invisibility will not activate at all while fighting her.
- She counts as having #Psychic Shielding while fighting against Professor X, as his Vigilance does not activate, and his Special Attacks consume 40% less Power during Mind Control instead of 70% less Power as it is supposed to against Champions without #Psychic Shielding.
As she is naturally immune to Reversed Controls, Emma Frost's Reversed Controls wouldn't apply to her regardless, nor would the effects of the Delirium Node. However, the Delirium Debuff inflicted by Onslaught's Special Attack 2 does apply to Moondragon, although she will still be immune to the Reversed Controls aspect of the Delirium Debuff.
IRONHEART: Special Attack 1 Vulnerability passive
During fights using a 4-Star Ironheart, I discovered that while the Vulnerability passive inflicted by her Special Attack 1 was active, the opponent actually took slightly less damage from her attacks and her Repulsor Debuffs, regardless of whether they were Incinerates or Ruptures. This remained the case no matter her opponent, even opponents who have no Physical or Energy Resistance. It appears that her Vulnerability passive is actually increasing the opponent's Physical and Energy Resistance, instead of decreasing them.
Additionally, Ironheart's Vulnerability passive seems to scale excessively based on her Rarity. I'm well aware that some stat-based Champion abilities gain increased potency based on their Rarity and Rank, and I know that the absolute values of Champion abilities are subject to diminishing returns in terms of in-game potency, but something is very different about Ironheart's Vulnerability value.
- A maxed out 4-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability passive has a value of 243.2 (which translates to an in-game potency of about 10.8%). This increases to 487.4 (about 19.6%) as a 5-Star Ironheart, 831.6 (about 29.6%) as a 6-Star Ironheart, and to 2111.8 (about 51.3%!) as a 7-Star Ironheart.
- For comparison, Dani Moonstar's Special Attack 1 inflicts a non-stacking Energy Vulnerability passive. While at a 2-Star Rarity, Dani's Energy Vulnerability has a value of 1700 (which is an in-game potency of about 46%); as a 7-Star, her Energy Vulnerability has a value of 2700 (which is about 57%).
This means that there's more of a difference in potency between a 6-Star and a 7-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability potency than there is between a 2-Star and a 7-Star Dani Moonstar's Energy Vulnerability! To even more clearly illustrate this difference, a 2-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability passive has a value of 23 (which is an in-game potency of about 1.1%)- compare that to the 7-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability value and potency.
I've never seen such a vast difference between ability potency at different Rarities. I compared other Champions who inflict Vulnerability effects- Wiccan, Titania, Spot- and for all of them, the in-game potency of their Vulnerability effects increased by only about 11% between 2-Star and 7-Star versions of those Champions, nothing as significant as the full 50% difference in potency between a 2-Star and 7-Star Ironheart. This makes lower Rarities of Ironheart disproportionately less effective than nearly any other Champion in the game, so I have to assume that her Vulnerability potency is scaling incorrectly based on her Rarity and Rank.
THOR (RAGNAROK): Synergy issues
- Friend From Work Synergy: Thor's Friend From Work Synergy with the Hulks and the Overseer that grants the Hulks (and Overseer) an Indestructible Buff once per fight when they fall below 20% of their Max Health. When Hulk (Classic) was reworked, the text of this Synergy was changed to an "Indestructible passive", presumably because the Buff Immunity granted by Hulk's reworked Synergy with Silver Surfer would make Hulk immune to the Indestructible Buff granted by this Synergy. However, despite this change in text, this Synergy still grants the Hulks (and Overseer) an Indestructible Buff, not an Indestructible passive. No members of this Synergy gain Indestructible passives, they all still gain Indestructible Buffs. If Hulk is on a team with Thor Ragnarok and Silver Surfer, the Indestructible effect will not activate, because he's immune to it.
- Like Old Days Synergy: After it was reworked when Thor (Ragnarok) was buffed a few years ago, Thor's Like Old Days Synergy with Loki was supposed to grant Thor a Combo Shield passive the first time he gets struck by an attack during a fight. However, in practice, this Combo Shield activates even if Thor Blocks an attack, or even if he avoids an attack with Dexterity. This means that no matter how carefully you play, this Combo Shield will be activated as soon as the opponent makes an attack, massively reducing the usefulness of this Synergy.
GALAN: Special Attack 2 Incinerates
- Galan's Special Attack 2 is supposed to inflict 3 Incinerate Debuffs on each hit while his Harvest ability is active (up from the 1 Incinerate Debuff per hit it inflicts if The Harvest is not active). However, for several months now, when Galan lands his Special Attack 2 while The Harvest is active, the first two hits will correctly inflict 3 Incinerate Debuffs, but the final hit will only inflict 1.
MORDO: Neutralize effects
- Despite his immunity to passive effects that reduce his Ability Accuracy, Mordo is still affected by the effects of Neutralize passives. This gives him a severe disadvantage against Champions such as Rintrah, and against the Neutralize passive inflicted by Wiccan's Silence Spell, and makes me uncertain of what Mordo's immunity actually makes him immune to anymore, since other Champions who are immune to Accuracy Reduction (e.g. Mysterio and Archangel) cannot be inflicted with Neutralize.
RED GUARDIAN: Synergy Issues
- The Enhanced With Carbonadium Synergy with Omega Red no longer grants Red Guardian any reduction against hit damage while at Max Durability.
- The Magnificent Manes Synergy with Sabretooth no longer grants Red Guardian a Fury passive while his Ablative Shield is Fractured.
NIGHTCRAWLER: Signature Ability text issue, Prowess, and Synergy Issues
- Nightcrawler's Signature Ability in game claims that the bonus Critical Damage/Instant Bleed potency granted based on his Prowess potency ranges from "0.11% to 1.03%", an increase so minuscule that I assume that it must be some sort of error or typo, especially since this does not reflect the demonstrable increase in Critical Damage and Bleed potency that Nightcrawler gets in actual gameplay.
- Nightcrawler's reworked Bamf ability states that he gains a 10% potency Prowess passive whenever he Dodges an attack. However, in actual performance, not only does he gain a Prowess passive whenever he Dodges an attack, but he also gains a Prowess passive whenever he triggers a passive Evade due to Neyaphem Mode. It could be that this is an unintended effect, or that this is how this new ability is intended to work, but the text of his abilities is inaccurate in describing it.
- Nightcrawler's Old Teammates Synergy with Havok- despite not having been changed- no longer has any apparent effect on Nightcrawler. While this Synergy is active, Nightcrawler still starts each fight in Neyaphem Mode, when the Synergy should start him in Swashbuckling Mode. It's difficult to tell if the part that grants Nightcrawler +30% Instant Bleed Ability Accuracy while in Swashbuckling Mode is still in effect now that Nightcrawler's Instant Bleeds have a 100% chance to trigger.
- Nightcrawler's Live and Die By The Sword Synergy with Ronin- despite not having been changed- no longer has any apparent effect on Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler does not gain a Cruelty Buff from switching from Neyaphem Mode to Swashbuckling Mode or vice versa, regardless if the switch occured by Dashing back and holding Block, or by landing Nightcrawler's fourth Light Attack.
LUKE CAGE: Signature Ability issue, Physical Resistance/Projectile Resistance, and Synergy Issues
- I've only noticed this particular problem on my Sig 99 4* Luke Cage, but not on my 5* Sig 20 Luke Cage: If Luke inflicts a Stun Debuff (by his Special Attack 1 or the Parry Mastery) while his Indestructible passive is on cooldown, then once the Stun Debuff ends, the Indestructible cooldown becomes paused, and will only unpause while the opponent is Stunned. This issue occurred both while Luke Cage was Attacking in the Beyond Hope Quest, and Defending in Practice Mode.
- Luke Cage's base Physical Resistance is 0. I won't call this a bug exactly- while I heard talk during the Beta claiming that Physical Resistance would be added to his base attributes, I can't find any official sources stating this, aside from the Strengths and Weaknesses section of his updated Spotlight stating "Luke has a high amount of Block Proficiency, Physical Resistance, and some immunities" (immunity to Bleed and nothing else counts as "some immunities", now?). So was he supposed to have Physical Resistance in addition to his new ability to reduce damage from non-contact Physical attacks? Because currently- between his only bonus resilience against Physical damage being against only projectile attacks, and the bonus Block Proficiency granted from his Signature Ability being tied to his Indestructible passive not being on cooldown (a cooldown which, I note, has been increased substantially from what it used to be)- it seems like this rework has primarily given Luke Cage even less survivability than when he just had Physical Resistance against non-Critical hits.
- Following off of this: since Luke Cage no longer has any Physical Resistance, this should make the Defenders Destroyer Synergy with Kingpin completely useless for him, since it's supposed to grant Luke Cage up to +60% Attack Rating based on his current Physical Resistance- Physical Resistance that, as mentioned previously, he no longer has. However, when paired with Kingpin (and no other Champions who could provide additional Attack Rating or Physical Resistance), Luke Cage does gain increased Attack Rating (only about +7% Attack Rating, though- enough to turn Medium Attacks that deal 366 damage without this Synergy into Medium Attacks that deal 391 damage. I tested this while making sure to only use Medium Attacks, to prevent inflicting any Debuffs to increase his Attack Rating). Additionally, this damage did not increase when Iron Fist was placed on the team to grant Luke Cage additional Physical Resistance via the Heroes For Hire Synergy. This seems to indicate that whatever this Synergy is basing its Attack Rating bonus off of, it's not Physical Resistance anymore.
- The Supernanny Synergy with Squirrel Girl- despite having no changes made to its text- no longer grants Luke Cage a Fury Buff if he gets struck by a Special Attack 3 while Indestructible. In fact, it appears to have no discernible effect whatsoever.
Hopefully these issues can be corrected/clarified promptly. Thank you in advance for your time.
ONSLAUGHT: Special Attack 3 Power Efficiency
- Onslaught's Special Attack 3 is supposed to consume 4.5% less Power for each Neuroshock passive on the opponent, up to a maximum of 33% less Power consumed (meaning that this reaches maximum potency at 8 Neuroshocks). However, if Onslaught activates a Special Attack 3 while the opponent is suffering from more than 8 Neuroshock passives, Onslaught will be left with 0 Power instead of 33% Power, as though there were 0 Neuroshock passives on the opponent.
RINTRAH: #Dimensional Being tag
Despite the announcement in December that the #Dimensional Being tag would be added to Rintrah, the #Dimensional Being tag is still not added to his bio, and his status as a #Dimensional Being is inconsistent in circumstances where that tag is pertinent:
- He does not gain any of the benefits granted to #Dimensional Beings from Purgatory's Dimensional Buddies Synergy.
- Galan is only supposed to gain his Solar Intensity Persistent Charges when he defeats Champions who are not #Dimensional Beings, but he does gain 1 Persistent Charge from defeating Rintrah.
On the other hand:
- Rintrah does take reduced Degeneration damage while America Chavez's Out of This World Synergy.
- Blade's Danger Sense activates against him without any active Synergies, as it's supposed to against #Dimensional Beings.
MOONDRAGON: #Psychic Shielding tag
Moondragon is still inconsistently #Psychically Shielded. She does not have the #Psychic Shielding tag listed in her bio, and her status as a #Psychically Shielded Champion is inconsistent as well.
- She counts as having #Psychic Shielding while fighting against Stryfe, as his Invisibility will not activate at all while fighting her.
- She counts as having #Psychic Shielding while fighting against Professor X, as his Vigilance does not activate, and his Special Attacks consume 40% less Power during Mind Control instead of 70% less Power as it is supposed to against Champions without #Psychic Shielding.
As she is naturally immune to Reversed Controls, Emma Frost's Reversed Controls wouldn't apply to her regardless, nor would the effects of the Delirium Node. However, the Delirium Debuff inflicted by Onslaught's Special Attack 2 does apply to Moondragon, although she will still be immune to the Reversed Controls aspect of the Delirium Debuff.
IRONHEART: Special Attack 1 Vulnerability passive
During fights using a 4-Star Ironheart, I discovered that while the Vulnerability passive inflicted by her Special Attack 1 was active, the opponent actually took slightly less damage from her attacks and her Repulsor Debuffs, regardless of whether they were Incinerates or Ruptures. This remained the case no matter her opponent, even opponents who have no Physical or Energy Resistance. It appears that her Vulnerability passive is actually increasing the opponent's Physical and Energy Resistance, instead of decreasing them.
Additionally, Ironheart's Vulnerability passive seems to scale excessively based on her Rarity. I'm well aware that some stat-based Champion abilities gain increased potency based on their Rarity and Rank, and I know that the absolute values of Champion abilities are subject to diminishing returns in terms of in-game potency, but something is very different about Ironheart's Vulnerability value.
- A maxed out 4-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability passive has a value of 243.2 (which translates to an in-game potency of about 10.8%). This increases to 487.4 (about 19.6%) as a 5-Star Ironheart, 831.6 (about 29.6%) as a 6-Star Ironheart, and to 2111.8 (about 51.3%!) as a 7-Star Ironheart.
- For comparison, Dani Moonstar's Special Attack 1 inflicts a non-stacking Energy Vulnerability passive. While at a 2-Star Rarity, Dani's Energy Vulnerability has a value of 1700 (which is an in-game potency of about 46%); as a 7-Star, her Energy Vulnerability has a value of 2700 (which is about 57%).
This means that there's more of a difference in potency between a 6-Star and a 7-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability potency than there is between a 2-Star and a 7-Star Dani Moonstar's Energy Vulnerability! To even more clearly illustrate this difference, a 2-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability passive has a value of 23 (which is an in-game potency of about 1.1%)- compare that to the 7-Star Ironheart's Vulnerability value and potency.
I've never seen such a vast difference between ability potency at different Rarities. I compared other Champions who inflict Vulnerability effects- Wiccan, Titania, Spot- and for all of them, the in-game potency of their Vulnerability effects increased by only about 11% between 2-Star and 7-Star versions of those Champions, nothing as significant as the full 50% difference in potency between a 2-Star and 7-Star Ironheart. This makes lower Rarities of Ironheart disproportionately less effective than nearly any other Champion in the game, so I have to assume that her Vulnerability potency is scaling incorrectly based on her Rarity and Rank.
THOR (RAGNAROK): Synergy issues
- Friend From Work Synergy: Thor's Friend From Work Synergy with the Hulks and the Overseer that grants the Hulks (and Overseer) an Indestructible Buff once per fight when they fall below 20% of their Max Health. When Hulk (Classic) was reworked, the text of this Synergy was changed to an "Indestructible passive", presumably because the Buff Immunity granted by Hulk's reworked Synergy with Silver Surfer would make Hulk immune to the Indestructible Buff granted by this Synergy. However, despite this change in text, this Synergy still grants the Hulks (and Overseer) an Indestructible Buff, not an Indestructible passive. No members of this Synergy gain Indestructible passives, they all still gain Indestructible Buffs. If Hulk is on a team with Thor Ragnarok and Silver Surfer, the Indestructible effect will not activate, because he's immune to it.
- Like Old Days Synergy: After it was reworked when Thor (Ragnarok) was buffed a few years ago, Thor's Like Old Days Synergy with Loki was supposed to grant Thor a Combo Shield passive the first time he gets struck by an attack during a fight. However, in practice, this Combo Shield activates even if Thor Blocks an attack, or even if he avoids an attack with Dexterity. This means that no matter how carefully you play, this Combo Shield will be activated as soon as the opponent makes an attack, massively reducing the usefulness of this Synergy.
GALAN: Special Attack 2 Incinerates
- Galan's Special Attack 2 is supposed to inflict 3 Incinerate Debuffs on each hit while his Harvest ability is active (up from the 1 Incinerate Debuff per hit it inflicts if The Harvest is not active). However, for several months now, when Galan lands his Special Attack 2 while The Harvest is active, the first two hits will correctly inflict 3 Incinerate Debuffs, but the final hit will only inflict 1.
MORDO: Neutralize effects
- Despite his immunity to passive effects that reduce his Ability Accuracy, Mordo is still affected by the effects of Neutralize passives. This gives him a severe disadvantage against Champions such as Rintrah, and against the Neutralize passive inflicted by Wiccan's Silence Spell, and makes me uncertain of what Mordo's immunity actually makes him immune to anymore, since other Champions who are immune to Accuracy Reduction (e.g. Mysterio and Archangel) cannot be inflicted with Neutralize.
RED GUARDIAN: Synergy Issues
- The Enhanced With Carbonadium Synergy with Omega Red no longer grants Red Guardian any reduction against hit damage while at Max Durability.
- The Magnificent Manes Synergy with Sabretooth no longer grants Red Guardian a Fury passive while his Ablative Shield is Fractured.
NIGHTCRAWLER: Signature Ability text issue, Prowess, and Synergy Issues
- Nightcrawler's Signature Ability in game claims that the bonus Critical Damage/Instant Bleed potency granted based on his Prowess potency ranges from "0.11% to 1.03%", an increase so minuscule that I assume that it must be some sort of error or typo, especially since this does not reflect the demonstrable increase in Critical Damage and Bleed potency that Nightcrawler gets in actual gameplay.
- Nightcrawler's reworked Bamf ability states that he gains a 10% potency Prowess passive whenever he Dodges an attack. However, in actual performance, not only does he gain a Prowess passive whenever he Dodges an attack, but he also gains a Prowess passive whenever he triggers a passive Evade due to Neyaphem Mode. It could be that this is an unintended effect, or that this is how this new ability is intended to work, but the text of his abilities is inaccurate in describing it.
- Nightcrawler's Old Teammates Synergy with Havok- despite not having been changed- no longer has any apparent effect on Nightcrawler. While this Synergy is active, Nightcrawler still starts each fight in Neyaphem Mode, when the Synergy should start him in Swashbuckling Mode. It's difficult to tell if the part that grants Nightcrawler +30% Instant Bleed Ability Accuracy while in Swashbuckling Mode is still in effect now that Nightcrawler's Instant Bleeds have a 100% chance to trigger.
- Nightcrawler's Live and Die By The Sword Synergy with Ronin- despite not having been changed- no longer has any apparent effect on Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler does not gain a Cruelty Buff from switching from Neyaphem Mode to Swashbuckling Mode or vice versa, regardless if the switch occured by Dashing back and holding Block, or by landing Nightcrawler's fourth Light Attack.
LUKE CAGE: Signature Ability issue, Physical Resistance/Projectile Resistance, and Synergy Issues
- I've only noticed this particular problem on my Sig 99 4* Luke Cage, but not on my 5* Sig 20 Luke Cage: If Luke inflicts a Stun Debuff (by his Special Attack 1 or the Parry Mastery) while his Indestructible passive is on cooldown, then once the Stun Debuff ends, the Indestructible cooldown becomes paused, and will only unpause while the opponent is Stunned. This issue occurred both while Luke Cage was Attacking in the Beyond Hope Quest, and Defending in Practice Mode.
- Luke Cage's base Physical Resistance is 0. I won't call this a bug exactly- while I heard talk during the Beta claiming that Physical Resistance would be added to his base attributes, I can't find any official sources stating this, aside from the Strengths and Weaknesses section of his updated Spotlight stating "Luke has a high amount of Block Proficiency, Physical Resistance, and some immunities" (immunity to Bleed and nothing else counts as "some immunities", now?). So was he supposed to have Physical Resistance in addition to his new ability to reduce damage from non-contact Physical attacks? Because currently- between his only bonus resilience against Physical damage being against only projectile attacks, and the bonus Block Proficiency granted from his Signature Ability being tied to his Indestructible passive not being on cooldown (a cooldown which, I note, has been increased substantially from what it used to be)- it seems like this rework has primarily given Luke Cage even less survivability than when he just had Physical Resistance against non-Critical hits.
- Following off of this: since Luke Cage no longer has any Physical Resistance, this should make the Defenders Destroyer Synergy with Kingpin completely useless for him, since it's supposed to grant Luke Cage up to +60% Attack Rating based on his current Physical Resistance- Physical Resistance that, as mentioned previously, he no longer has. However, when paired with Kingpin (and no other Champions who could provide additional Attack Rating or Physical Resistance), Luke Cage does gain increased Attack Rating (only about +7% Attack Rating, though- enough to turn Medium Attacks that deal 366 damage without this Synergy into Medium Attacks that deal 391 damage. I tested this while making sure to only use Medium Attacks, to prevent inflicting any Debuffs to increase his Attack Rating). Additionally, this damage did not increase when Iron Fist was placed on the team to grant Luke Cage additional Physical Resistance via the Heroes For Hire Synergy. This seems to indicate that whatever this Synergy is basing its Attack Rating bonus off of, it's not Physical Resistance anymore.
- The Supernanny Synergy with Squirrel Girl- despite having no changes made to its text- no longer grants Luke Cage a Fury Buff if he gets struck by a Special Attack 3 while Indestructible. In fact, it appears to have no discernible effect whatsoever.
Hopefully these issues can be corrected/clarified promptly. Thank you in advance for your time.