Maestro glancing buff ignores opponents ability ?

For exemple longshot has 300% abilty accuracy and is immune to ability réduction ( except debuff ) . Why maestro glancing buff affects this ? 

Do try, I have 7r3 vox tho 😶
Answer: because blackhole doesn't.
You got me there but blackhole do shine, you just have to go in it's centre and look
And only be affected by the attack reduction and no crits
Glancing with most champions:
* Can't crit
* -50% damage
* -100% ability accuracy
Glancing with Longshot:
* Can't crit
* -50% damage
* Still has 200% ability accuracy
I've never had any problems fighting Maestro with Vox, who also has increased ability accuracy. Sure, he doesn't crit and does reduced damage, but he still gains his buffs normally and can apply his degeneration without problem.