How to tell energy damage or physical damage in game

How can I tell if an attack is energy or physical in game if the description doesn't say. For non mystic, I can use torch to check for that. What about mystics or other champs in general? Auntmai isn't getting updated regularly, so it's difficult to tell with newer champs especially when it comes to nodes or champs that punish or reward one type of damage over the other.
You can get the newer champs easily as 3*s at least from arena and test them in practice mode.
Unfortunately if their description doesn’t specify which attacks are physical or energy, this is an efficient way to find out.
Unless you want to wait on Auntmai to update the newer champ descriptions 🙂
I personally like to get wrecked in BG to see these interactions. For example, I used Shuri for Havoc and found that I can lose in 10s so I will not do that in AW.