So, I missed the showcase deathless piece….

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
Now, I’ll try to keep this short and to the point, since I’ve been known to write posts that come dangerously close to DNA length, but here we go:

I’m sure this isn’t universal, and this is in fact opinion (you won’t hear me stating this as fact), but I’d hazard a guess that I’m not alone in thinking that the Contest has gotten a bit over saturated lately. I’ll let someone else list off the number of events that are currently available in-game with all the iterations of SQ (there are like 7 going on right now and frankly I haven’t even tried to see what that’s about), EQ (still have to explore TB, which is boring at a Valiant level, just to get to the paragon gauntlet), BGs, AW/Raids, AQ, Arena, Story, Carinas, Special quests like Necropolis, daily quests like Apothecary, special solo events, the new Sagas (with special currency spread throughout the other content in specific time-limited milestones), Holiday solo events (eg Women’s Appreciation, which was cool), Winter of Woe, and there are probably several more that I’m forgetting.

For further context, I’m a Valiant player that spent $10 on the game 4+ years ago and have been playing since the very beginning. With the end of the month coming, I was having a hard time budgeting time for all of these events ending around the same date, partially because I really want a 7* Nightcrawler, which I have just deprioritized around this point. With the end-date for a lot of content coming soon (the middle of this week), I somehow lost that the fairly limited time Showcase was ending on April 1st (a Monday right after a major holiday weekend for myself and many others in the USA and around the world), and missed out on my chance at that Deathless KG piece.

Now, I know that I should have planned to do it earlier. I know that this is meant to be difficult to obtain all of the deathless pieces. But the fact that my only recourse now to still continue in the hunt is to shell out 5k units is wild to me. I can say with some certainty that I’ve never gotten over 3k units on my account, and that was almost always with a crazy amount of arena/luck on Platinumpool crystals/etc. To know that missing a single limited-time event that was crammed in with one of the most crowded months I can ever remember in-game is demoralizing.

Now, I will probably still try to save up units (I’m around 500 now) in order to buy the piece since that’s basically my only way to continue, but I really wish that there was some permanent added 6th option for summoners that could be like a make-up piece for them for each deathless champ that could be a difficult challenge, but wasn’t just a simple unit-wall, and could alleviate a bit of the stress of perfectly achieving all of these unique milestones. I’m sure there are arguments on the other side of this perspective that are more complex than just “just don’t forget or suck it up and pay a huge number of units”, but one piece of each champion was quite literally sent out in an in-game mail, so I don’t know how solid any of those arguments could be.

But maybe I’m just an uneducated summoner who needs to git gud. Maybe it’s maybelline (don’t @ me, I don’t use beauty products). But maybe I’m not the only one who thinks that there could be a better and fun alternative safety net that wasn’t just a massive unit price stapled to a piece selector. Who knows.


  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★
    Skyfaw said:

    I don’t think you know what short and to the point means…

    This. 1000 times this. If it's longer than a everest boss's ability's too long
  • Sajadala_GeezySajadala_Geezy Member Posts: 88
    I missed the showcase too. I was too busy with exploring necro to lock in valiant. Def worth it! But now, if I plan on getting the deathless KG, I’ll just have to cough up the 5k units. Me missing the piece is on me. I kept putting it on the back burner
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★

    It's called prioritizing. The timers were there, the mail was there to tell you when it was starting, it's not like there was a lack of info.

    You didn't prioritize the piece, obviously, and now you're complaining about it because of other content that had nothing to do with a deathless piece.

    It's nobody's fault but your own if you didn't prioritize and didn't get the piece.

    I feel like I was pretty clearly claiming it was my own fault, but trying to offer a suggestion that I thought would improve the content as a whole in the future. You’re welcome to think I was complaining, that’s your opinion.

    The whole point of explaining about the abundance of other content was to highlight why I had trouble keeping track of event deadlines. You can heavily prioritize something and still mistime your attempt to achieve it because of an overload of information. Consequently, I wanted to make other people who might have had similar problems feel better about the mistake.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,644 ★★★★★
    They second option is units as reason the second is units is they want it to cost us if we miss anything as its a chase requirement as they said if u play enough put time into everything its completely doable free but if we miss its units no other way sorry but ur gonna have to save now
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    I vaguely remember them saying at one point they'd look into rereleasing pieces outside of units offers for people who just straight up missed the event. But I doubt it'll happen any time soon, I also might be wrong and even if I'm correct it was a MAYBE

    I'm gonna miss the WoW piece so I'll just bite the bullet and spend units on the piece
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,378 ★★★★★

    I vaguely remember them saying at one point they'd look into rereleasing pieces outside of units offers for people who just straight up missed the event. But I doubt it'll happen any time soon, I also might be wrong and even if I'm correct it was a MAYBE

    I'm gonna miss the WoW piece so I'll just bite the bullet and spend units on the piece

    I mean even if it's true by the time it happens you will 100% miss out on the awakening, which would be otherwise impossible to get unless 7* awakening gems are available
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,492 ★★★★★

    I vaguely remember them saying at one point they'd look into rereleasing pieces outside of units offers for people who just straight up missed the event. But I doubt it'll happen any time soon, I also might be wrong and even if I'm correct it was a MAYBE

    I'm gonna miss the WoW piece so I'll just bite the bullet and spend units on the piece

    That's simply wrong
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,835 ★★★★★
    To get units

    Do arena

    Complete all difficulty levels of monthly story quest

    Do all variants on classic difficulty

    Get the 4th milestone in the 22 hour daily events

    It’ll add up over time.

  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 264 ★★
    edited April 2024

    I’m sure this isn’t universal, and this is in fact opinion (you won’t hear me stating this as fact), but I’d hazard a guess that I’m not alone in thinking that the Contest has gotten a bit over saturated lately. I’ll let someone else list off the number of events that are currently available in-game

    Now, I will probably still try to save up units (I’m around 500 now) in order to buy the piece since that’s basically my only way to continue, but I really wish that there was some permanent added 6th option for summoners that could be like a make-up piece for them for each deathless champ that could be a difficult challenge, but wasn’t just a simple unit-wall, and could alleviate a bit of the stress of perfectly achieving all of these unique milestones.

    Lol so there is too much content to keep track of, and this can lead one to miss an event, and the solution is to add more content?

    I think a simpler option would be to have showcase expire later than 2 weeks, like give it a month or the duration of a season of war.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,563 ★★★★★

    It's called prioritizing. The timers were there, the mail was there to tell you when it was starting, it's not like there was a lack of info.

    You didn't prioritize the piece, obviously, and now you're complaining about it because of other content that had nothing to do with a deathless piece.

    It's nobody's fault but your own if you didn't prioritize and didn't get the piece.

    I feel like I was pretty clearly claiming it was my own fault, but trying to offer a suggestion that I thought would improve the content as a whole in the future. You’re welcome to think I was complaining, that’s your opinion.

    The whole point of explaining about the abundance of other content was to highlight why I had trouble keeping track of event deadlines. You can heavily prioritize something and still mistime your attempt to achieve it because of an overload of information. Consequently, I wanted to make other people who might have had similar problems feel better about the mistake.
    Why should they release some other way besides units because people failed to prioritize?

    Going in EVERYBODY knows either you get the piece through the content it's released in, or, you pay 5k units down the road.

    It was timed content, you knew that, you failed to prioritize the piece and bow you want kabam to put it somewhere else because of people who lack the time management skills to do it the first time?

    Yeah.... no.

    Just think, you can now slowly chip away at arena for units, arena isn't timed content. 😃
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    So as someone with two accounts, one I spend on, one free to play, the last three days have been a nightmare trying to get everything done in time with my sub account. On Friday of last week, I had not started Act 8, had not done any Winter of Woe fights for Part 4, still had most of the Thronebreaker difficulty for the event quest to explore and still had the showcase to do. As of right now, I have all pieces besides the Winter of Woe piece for King Groot and an awakened Deathless Guillotine. It was an absolute pain in the ass and I burned units on the revive bundles to do it. I also do not have the time to grind out Battlegrounds on two accounts so I probably have given up on Seven Star Nightcrawler on my sub account and completely ignored the International Women's Month objectives simply because it was too much. It's a lot to go through.

    Now having said all of that, Kabam was very upfront that the deathless chase would be challenging and if you missed a time limited piece, it would be expensive. Mobile games have always been a question of time vs money (often times both) so I don't know what to tell you. I think giving us more than a two-week window to do the War Showcase would have been nice and it is weird it ended on a Monday so I feel you there, but ultimately I didn't want to pay the 5000 units for the magic dirt or whatever piece of King Groot was there. I felt the same way about the sword hilt on Deathless Guillotine where I was up at 12 pm grinding battlegrounds a day before going to a convention with a wake-up time of 5 am.

    Ultimately though it's a matter of priorities. For whatever reason, you didn't prioritize getting this piece and are now mad your only option is to pay too many units for it. It's not wild that this is the only option. Heck, it's not even the first champ so we knew the price point going into the two-week time limit. I think it's at best, sour grapes that you can't get this piece now without the pain of saving units for it.

    I don't know what the point of your post ultimately is. Kabam was clear what your two options to get King Groot were. Sorry you're not happy with your decision.
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,378 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024
    Ok so some legit advice here OP, for the units
    ( I speed ran getting 2k units and beating all act 8 bosses to awaken Deathless guillotine cause I was missing 2 pieces, so I speak from experience)

    - explore lower difficulties of event quests
    - try to reach all the milestones in every arena, it's alright if you don't reach the max one for the 4* one the battlechips will make up for it.
    - go into act content (act 7 n 8) and get any missing units
    - make sure you reach the unit milestones every 22 he event
    - keep an eye out of limited time events that give you units
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,164 ★★★★★

    Ok so some legit advice here OP, for the units
    ( I speed ran getting 2k units and beating all act 8 bosses to awaken Deathless guillotine cause I was missing 2 pieces, so I speak from experience)

    - explore lower difficulties of event quests
    - try to reach all the milestones in every arena, it's alright if you don't reach the max one for the 4* one the battlechips will make up for it.
    - go into act content (act 7 n 8) and get any missing units
    - make sure you reach the unit milestones every 22 he event
    - keep an eye out of limited time events that give you units

    OP is saying there is too much to do and keep track and you literally gave him more to do lol.
    OP's brain is going to explode
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,510 ★★★★★
    There's always two main options for almost anything you want in this game. It's either Grind or Pay, and the great thing is YOU get to choose how you play this game.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,773 ★★★★★
    The two-week time limits on the showcase, on top of WoW, were awful.

    At least I could go back and get that last guillotine piece when I felt like wasting revives against bahamet.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★

    The two-week time limits on the showcase, on top of WoW, were awful.

    At least I could go back and get that last guillotine piece when I felt like wasting revives against bahamet.

    Comparing a permanent piece with a timed one...
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,644 ★★★★★

    The two-week time limits on the showcase, on top of WoW, were awful.

    At least I could go back and get that last guillotine piece when I felt like wasting revives against bahamet.

    They dont want every piece in a permanent place as its suppose to have a catch of u gotta dedicate ur time into it and that means sacrificing some content like bgs or eq if u want these champs from day 1
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 398 ★★★

    The two-week time limits on the showcase, on top of WoW, were awful.

    At least I could go back and get that last guillotine piece when I felt like wasting revives against bahamet.

    Comparing a permanent piece with a timed one...
    I know we have the CCP Groot piece but was there another one that's permanent?
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,013 ★★★★★

    The two-week time limits on the showcase, on top of WoW, were awful.

    At least I could go back and get that last guillotine piece when I felt like wasting revives against bahamet.

    Comparing a permanent piece with a timed one...
    I know we have the CCP Groot piece but was there another one that's permanent?
    I don't think so...
    1 free
    1 WoW
    1 CCP
    1 AW Showcase..
    Can't remember the others....
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★
    To be fair to OP, Kabam annoyed lots of players by keeping the February sidequest stuff active in March, because of some bug.

    So, with the UI collapsing all the Non-EQ stuff into one window pane, there was at one point 7 March SQ stuff, at least 4 Feb SQ stuff (I don't remember how many there were), as well as Showcase. It is easy enough to just zone out when you have to scroll 12+ panes, each with different timers.

    Add on the ridiculous deluge of objectives and milestones (again, the February Ironheart stuff stayed active for much too long), and there definitely was a lot more needless things to keep track of/ignore. Add on to that the weird bug where Kabam added on a ton of Knullifier solo events halfway through the month, leading to more distraction.

    Having said that - yes like others have said, if Deathless pieces are what you wanted then that is what you should have prioritized (For me, I don't care about Nightcrawler, so I am not prioritizing that)
    I don't think adding a non-unit route is the way to go. If you miss something that isn't Permanent, then that is that. If you didn't happen to play Week 1 of Winter of Woe, then its not like there needs to be a 'make-up' for it. Whether you didn't login at all or just forgot, you still missed the time limit.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,062 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024

    The two-week time limits on the showcase, on top of WoW, were awful.

    At least I could go back and get that last guillotine piece when I felt like wasting revives against bahamet.

    Comparing a permanent piece with a timed one...
    I know we have the CCP Groot piece but was there another one that's permanent?
    I don't think so...
    1 free
    1 WoW
    1 CCP
    1 AW Showcase..
    Can't remember the others....
    The other piece was in the paragon gauntlet. So, also not permanent content.
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