Kabam!? Anyone have PURE ARENA MAXIMUM points mastery build?

All the videos I've seen on YouTube has some random masteries added like inequity and collar tech (bruh) or usual recoil builds.
What I want is Arena loadouts which gives maximum PI possible which in turns will give me maximum points per fight from Arena, I've heard salve which is a healing mastery increases PI a lot so it gives more points in Arena.
So anyone ever came across any build which I'm looking for? Was expecting a thread where everyone will be sharing their uniquely done masteries but nothing so far, do help 😀
What I want is Arena loadouts which gives maximum PI possible which in turns will give me maximum points per fight from Arena, I've heard salve which is a healing mastery increases PI a lot so it gives more points in Arena.
So anyone ever came across any build which I'm looking for? Was expecting a thread where everyone will be sharing their uniquely done masteries but nothing so far, do help 😀
This is mine. I believe if you take one point out of pacify and put it into recoil you'll have a slightly higher PI but I don't have that last recoil open so..
I got you bro
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ACzh4VfjopFCl89bZNnXoiGuwcptuHGjHa6KvBEZGx0/mobilebasic (idk if I'm allowed to post links lol)
I think you can use that link and see the PI increase from your mastery
I run it for general questing
I also havent done arenas past milestones either.. and from personal experience when you only do milestones.. you might shave off 2 or 3 matches at most.
I only do Arena in 3 short sitting and hardly reach max milestones, so I'll take all the boosting up there is because I hate Arena so much, just get me out of these repetitive fights.
In my opinion, as a student I rather do part time instead of grinding for Arena champion to just buy if I really want the new champ, but struggling my butt off in that outdated gamemode is nasty. So any help is welcome to reach max milestones 🤣
Did Kabam said anything if war mastery will be used just for defence or also for offence?
That's the tricky part I'm confused
Tbh im confused, I see 3 load outs that you can set and label; but none of them are for a specific game mode. I think you thought there would be one set for war permanently and I don't think that's the case.
It will have a box to check off for it, apparently.
If that mastery apply for both attack and defence, it'll be cool