What is the sweet spot for Mystic Dispersion?

RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
I am asking because I am trying to create a Mystic-focused loadout. Any advice on whether MD pairs well with suicides or not would be very appreciated.

Note: this is for offense not defense. Please take into consideration when voting. Thank you!

What is the sweet spot for Mystic Dispersion? 89 votes

[Deleted User]SubZeroSupreme 2 votes
Masquirade 1 vote
GamerTendersquadCaptain_MaimAshyKnucklesAckbar67Loki_Poki1280Rameshraj003Justcause102Capt_MunchKlyph_1Etm34Giantwalrus56BeastDadahmynutsanajdiRugbyman371DarthMysticTrongNovKlippPT_99 25 votes
World EaterFreakydHort4zuffyBigTuna_2054GK_23kikiFurieuxCyborgNinja135Sachhyam257djr17Avengers320Sagacious0wlpsp742ForumerGhostrunner01captain_rogersChris_118Powerofpain1001Ewell65SSS69jcphillips7 38 votes
WardenclockGarloMorghaxorIamnikesxlbstverliebtPikoluistwan17Maxwell24Dkcody42Trek26ShiroMikazukiBuggyDClowntuan96Jack2634OakenshieldAsim38DeadpoisdeadJT_Supremewillrun4adonutTSantore 23 votes


  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    I hate 5/5 MD with mojo,as he loads sp3 instead of sp2 in bgs. But 5/5 MD is extremely good in defense, especially if you use sasquatch as main defender, as you have to dex his sp1, and the precision gives him huge power.
    5/5 MD is also useful for defenders like doom, abs man.

    Thanks for your insight mate. Interestingly enough Lagacy said the exact same thing. This is mainly for offense, so I will note your pain points around loading the wrong special.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,805 ★★★★★
    I like 5/5 with suicides because you can get to sp3 faster.

    I also have 5/5 for defense, which I know isn't your concern.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,290 Guardian
    I've been running 5/5 MD for years, so it is difficult knowing what 3 and 4 were like lol.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    @willrun4adonut @Pikolu do you find that all Mystic champs benefit equally from this or do some specific champs tend to run amok with 5/5?
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,173 ★★★★★
    I have run 3/5 for years and have never had a single issue
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,158 ★★★★★
    If you love Rintrah...
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    BWCV is one of my favorite mystics to use, but it can be tricky getting too much power as her Sp3 can actually make the fight harder
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    edited April 2024
    2/5, because that's all I've ever cared to invest 😂 I honestly feel like the top end of MD for offensive purposes would just tip you into un-ideal situations regarding your preferred special attacks, hell I've got 3% power gain and that has happened to me too. It's a nice perk to have and in target matchups that little bit of power gain feels great for me, but I feel like anything more than 3/5 would change the fights too much for me and my measley IQ 🫠

    Worth mentioning this is part of a generic mastery setup I've used for years, got a few points in most things useful and I swear by that approach tbh.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    Rookiie said:

    I hate 5/5 MD with mojo,as he loads sp3 instead of sp2 in bgs. But 5/5 MD is extremely good in defense, especially if you use sasquatch as main defender, as you have to dex his sp1, and the precision gives him huge power.
    5/5 MD is also useful for defenders like doom, abs man.

    Thanks for your insight mate. Interestingly enough Lagacy said the exact same thing. This is mainly for offense, so I will note your pain points around loading the wrong special.
    For pure offense, it depends on the roster.

    5/5 is best for doom, chavez, sym/soc supreme, and kushala maybe
    4/5 is best for champs like mojo,wong and abs man where you want a specific special attack to launch.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,654 ★★★★★
    3 or 4/5. 5 is usually too much for attack but is very good for defense
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    2/5, because that's all I've ever cared to invest 😂 I honestly feel like the top end of MD for offensive purposes would just tip you into un-ideal situations regarding your preferred special attacks, hell I've got 3% power gain and that has happened to me too. It's a nice perk to have and in target matchups that little bit of power gain feels great for me, but I feel like anything more than 3/5 would change the fights too much for me and my measley IQ 🫠

    Worth mentioning this is part of a generic mastery setup I've used for years, got a few points in most things useful and I swear by that approach tbh.

    That’s probably going to be my main go-to approach by the way. This is for a third loadout which is Mystics on steroids.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,552 ★★★★★
    5/5 for defense, 4/5 for offense
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,805 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024
    The only ones where I have a problem managing is Mojo (but then I just save the sp3 for when I can't complete a prompt) and rintrah. However, I don't use rintrah much since I got a dupe on him. Besides that, I can manage most specials that I need unless it's a super buff-heavy fight, but on those it normally doesn't matter since you can kill them easily with how much power you gain. Also, I don't like sprinkles, but thanks for the thought.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Hey thanks everyone I really appreciate all the insight
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    edited April 2024

    5/5 for defense, 4/5 for offense

    Just going to bring this up. 5/5 MD is situational depending on which defenders you're using. I watched Lags video last night of him live-building his mastery loadouts, and he was saying "always 5/5 MD for defense." And my comment was that, for me, who uses mainly cosmic defenders along with FAM, MD in GENERAL does nothing for my defense. Same with Inequity, as my guys aren't dealing out mass debuffs.

    This can always change when you eventually switch up your defenders, and you may have a Mystic or two, but if you're using the same 5 champs for an entire season or two and none of them are Mystics, those points will be better used elsewhere.

    I feel some people get confused by this and think it's a necessity, but when no one benefits, it's a waste.

    EDIT: Offensively though, I believe 4/5 is the sweet spot
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,558 ★★★★★
    I once used Longshot in war, that dummy was reaching sp3 back and back and back, like come on bro just a single sp2 will be nice,

    So I run only 3 now.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    offensively, 4 is enough, 5 is way too overkill. Overall 5 is still better, but just slightly
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