What is the sweet spot for Mystic Dispersion?

I am asking because I am trying to create a Mystic-focused loadout. Any advice on whether MD pairs well with suicides or not would be very appreciated.
Note: this is for offense not defense. Please take into consideration when voting. Thank you!
Note: this is for offense not defense. Please take into consideration when voting. Thank you!
What is the sweet spot for Mystic Dispersion? 89 votes
5/5 MD is also useful for defenders like doom, abs man.
I also have 5/5 for defense, which I know isn't your concern.
Interesting point on the SP3 and suicides. No recoil damage which is good.
Worth mentioning this is part of a generic mastery setup I've used for years, got a few points in most things useful and I swear by that approach tbh.
5/5 is best for doom, chavez, sym/soc supreme, and kushala maybe
4/5 is best for champs like mojo,wong and abs man where you want a specific special attack to launch.
This can always change when you eventually switch up your defenders, and you may have a Mystic or two, but if you're using the same 5 champs for an entire season or two and none of them are Mystics, those points will be better used elsewhere.
I feel some people get confused by this and think it's a necessity, but when no one benefits, it's a waste.
EDIT: Offensively though, I believe 4/5 is the sweet spot
So I run only 3 now.