The same rotation as before, do MLLL, then throw heavy to apply intimidate, then hit into block. You can also throw more heavy attacks for more confidence buffs. If above 10, Gladiator goes unblockable and you can throw the special into block, dealing a burst of damage
The same rotation as before, do MLLL, then throw heavy to apply intimidate, then hit into block. You can also throw more heavy attacks for more confidence buffs. If above 10, Gladiator goes unblockable and you can throw the special into block, dealing a burst of damage
AI may not always play in your favor with the Intimidate on them, but also hitting them like normal while the Intimidate is active still builds confidence as well. Just thought I'd add that.
The same rotation as before, do MLLL, then throw heavy to apply intimidate, then hit into block. You can also throw more heavy attacks for more confidence buffs. If above 10, Gladiator goes unblockable and you can throw the special into block, dealing a burst of damage
AI may not always play in your favor with the Intimidate on them, but also hitting them like normal while the Intimidate is active still builds confidence as well. Just thought I'd add that.
Yeah I noticed that you don’t have to hit into block as well