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Save for onslaught in the basics or not?

MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,139 ★★★★
edited April 3 in General Discussion
Hi all, map 5 AQ, 2bg T5 casual wars, I detest BGs but play them for the t6cc and normally quit playing each season at D1 when it's 5 wins to advance.

I really want onslaught (so won't get him..) as I run suicides and he's clearly great with them. I'm at 58k 7* shards and thinking of saving them; I'll try to get full score in wow I'm guessing.

But I can R2 any 5, 7*s but not sure if I want to take up any that I have at present and wondering if it's worth continuing to save. With dupes, hulk, Joe and a few others become far more viable. Although first glance, duped deathless king groot looks like I may take up, depending on how he performs.

In addition to the 7* below, I also have 11, 5/65 6* ascended; herc, Nimrod aegon, omega red, apoc, kingpin, diablo, fantman, torch, corvus, hulkling

Save for onslaught in the basics or not? 33 votes

Save for onslaught
UsquebathpseudosanePickle_tickleJack2634Superstar_1126QwerasdPT_99IlociaM97 8 votes
Open basics as you get them
Nightwing2380LuciusVorenusFeeney234Doom_and_GloomJustcause102UsagicassidySagacious0wlcaptain_rogersNanosamaMilan1405jcphillips7Aomine_Daiki10Doctor_Strange19Ben_15455Dkcody42Nogood22ThePredator1001FinalfurykUltragamer13579rebel_ 25 votes


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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,719 ★★★★★
    Open basics as you get them
    Onslaught will enter the basic only at August
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,976 ★★★★★
    Depends on how badly you want onslaught.
    There will be more champs in the basic when he cones to it, so that's something to consider.
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    FinalfurykFinalfuryk Posts: 215 ★★
    edited April 3
    Open basics as you get them
    Yeah it'll be a long time before Onslaught enters the basic. Not opening seven star crystals across five months is a big ask to only maybe get him especially when you have a bunch of champs that need awakening.
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    ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Posts: 688 ★★★
    Open basics as you get them
    I wanted onslaught so badly as well, was so excited to open a titan crystal for a chance at him… only to pull 7* Thing. I just hit the featured 6* Crystal until I pulled him and then took him to R5 and ascended him. He’s as strong as a 7* R2 with the perk of having max sig. He’s been destroying everything both on attack and defense, no regrets. If there’s a champ that you really want don’t be afraid to invest in the 6*, now a days they are easy to get. And are still extremely viable. Otherwise you’ll waste months or years waiting for a champ.
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★
    Open basics as you get them

    I wanted onslaught so badly as well, was so excited to open a titan crystal for a chance at him… only to pull 7* Thing. I just hit the featured 6* Crystal until I pulled him and then took him to R5 and ascended him. He’s as strong as a 7* R2 with the perk of having max sig. He’s been destroying everything both on attack and defense, no regrets. If there’s a champ that you really want don’t be afraid to invest in the 6*, now a days they are easy to get. And are still extremely viable. Otherwise you’ll waste months or years waiting for a champ.

    Yea, what this guy said. Ever since 7*s released, and of ALLLL the ways I've been able to obtain them through hundreds of crystal openings, I still haven't pulled OG Hulk once.

    That could easily be your experience waiting for Onslaught in basics as well.
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    MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,139 ★★★★
    Thank you all - hoping deathless king groot is worth R2 anyway.

    I'll go for the featured 6* for once, good suggestion @ThePredator1001

    I've also saved six, 6* nexus and 2 mutant abyss for him, once he's in the basic 6* pool.

    And guess I'll open these 7* up, once I complete my incursion run, so I can pop 4.
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