Red Skull Power draining champs that are immune

So I am working my way through 8.2.2 and when fighting the Red Skull on the Civil Warzone path I notice that power drain immune champs are not immune to Red Skull. I also tested this doing practice fights and notice Terrax, Galan, Venom all take damage from power drain when hitting Red Skulls block. Is this supposed to happen with him? Also who do y’all use for a counter against him now?
He's great for opponents where bad things happen hitting their block - Electro, Killmonger, Korg and Red Skull spring to mind, and a few nodes are relevant.
Try him out on an Explosive Personality node, and watch the fun. Just be sure not to trigger the fifth armour with your last attack, as the damage will come just after your last hit - stick to MLLL combos.
He can also 'Attack' an opponent, Miss, and still reflect damage. This can trip you up fighting Namor with a champion like Ghost (and probably Viv Vision): if you strike him whilst he's busy Missing you, he'll reflect the damage.