Paragauntlet team

You need to bring only x-magica or Magic thief to get the T2 dust. I used a team of: NF (r5a), Hood (r4) and CGR (r5) and they did extremely well.
Mordo - easy NF fight, just don't stay too close to him for too long or you will get rooted. Also can throw off a couple of SP1's so you can hit him when stunned and disable his evade.
Vtd - CGR obliterates him. Just do the normal heavy, power gain, vigilance into SP2 rotation then hit him with a bunch of armour breaks on. Watch out as he might do unblockable but pretty easy.
Purgatory - just NF her. I chose to bait her SP2 and just spam MLLLL (deep wounds very helpful here). If you get SP3ed at near full health due to her power gain don't worry as he will straight up survive it and not even enter real NF phase.
Stryfe - glancing and invisibility make this fight a bit annoying but hood has stagger and fateseal to block his arc overload and gains power with MD so you can spam SP2s while invisible.
Prowler - bit of an annoying fight, but CGR does destroy him. Just watch out as he goes invisible after specials so make sure you still have vigilance and also goes unblockable so pay attention to that. His specials are fairly easy to evade though which is nice. Adam warlock also destroys this fight if you need a different option.
Spider punk - NF go brrrrr
Mordo - easy NF fight, just don't stay too close to him for too long or you will get rooted. Also can throw off a couple of SP1's so you can hit him when stunned and disable his evade.
Vtd - CGR obliterates him. Just do the normal heavy, power gain, vigilance into SP2 rotation then hit him with a bunch of armour breaks on. Watch out as he might do unblockable but pretty easy.
Purgatory - just NF her. I chose to bait her SP2 and just spam MLLLL (deep wounds very helpful here). If you get SP3ed at near full health due to her power gain don't worry as he will straight up survive it and not even enter real NF phase.
Stryfe - glancing and invisibility make this fight a bit annoying but hood has stagger and fateseal to block his arc overload and gains power with MD so you can spam SP2s while invisible.
Prowler - bit of an annoying fight, but CGR does destroy him. Just watch out as he goes invisible after specials so make sure you still have vigilance and also goes unblockable so pay attention to that. His specials are fairly easy to evade though which is nice. Adam warlock also destroys this fight if you need a different option.
Spider punk - NF go brrrrr
Mojo for fights one, two, four and five. Fury for purgatory and CGR spider pink (he died before I got to use fury against him).