Kabam the game is soo buggy right now

The sad part is this list isn’t getting smaller. There has been no satisfactory progress on parry issues: being parried trying to punish so specials, being re-parried on double mediums, parry not working for users during fight. AI now side step intercepting and light intercepting - this is so common that I believe it is the most typical strategy implemented by the ai now. Now we have load out bugs, PI issues, back button not working, auto fight not working, lagged game, excessive load times post update, game crashing mid incursions run is so common for me that I just expect it to happen. Issues with AI holding heavy for no reason, except to try to set up an intercept. Major issues with war tactic, war placement, new member joining issues.
I do love this game and I am trying to stay positive that meaningful change will happen but it just doesn’t come. There are no issues releasing your two champs a month and content. All of which are money makers for you. All the issues that affect your game base quality of experience seem to either get yelled into a void or noted and never fixed.
To me it seems like this would be a big one to address. It’s hard to quantify the displeasure with these issues so I can only speak for myself. Ever since January I have been on the fence about quitting this game solely for the buggy play. I am valiant and completed all of WOW. Not an amazing player but not terrible. I just feel like fun is stolen by these issues. I feel like I am not rewarded by doing things “correctly” in fights. It’s an accumulative frustration of small things that has me wanting to throw my hands up.
I’ll wait and see how 8.4 is but if you all don’t make meaningful changes to these long standing and significant complaints I can’t see myself continuing.
I do love this game and I am trying to stay positive that meaningful change will happen but it just doesn’t come. There are no issues releasing your two champs a month and content. All of which are money makers for you. All the issues that affect your game base quality of experience seem to either get yelled into a void or noted and never fixed.
To me it seems like this would be a big one to address. It’s hard to quantify the displeasure with these issues so I can only speak for myself. Ever since January I have been on the fence about quitting this game solely for the buggy play. I am valiant and completed all of WOW. Not an amazing player but not terrible. I just feel like fun is stolen by these issues. I feel like I am not rewarded by doing things “correctly” in fights. It’s an accumulative frustration of small things that has me wanting to throw my hands up.
I’ll wait and see how 8.4 is but if you all don’t make meaningful changes to these long standing and significant complaints I can’t see myself continuing.
Tons of visual bugs, tabs not appearing when clicked and war is an absolute mess in general. The mastery load-out launch which we have been waiting for for so long was a complete disaster. It continues to cause problems after many days still. I have been saying this for too long: please prioritize fixing all the broken aspects of the game guys. It's getting to the point where it's just too frustrating to put up with all of this and it's just not fun playing the game anymore.