What champ should be redone next?

What bottom-feeder champ who no one uses do you think kabam should redo? Kabam has completely overhauled champs in the past such as iron man and hulk, and they announced they will do the same for superior iron man in a couple months. The poll is limited to 10 options so there will be a part 2.
What champ should be redone next? 153 votes
Edit: also where's Groot and Iron Patriot, we all know one of them would've won the poll easily.
But if we can only have one, then definitely blue team Cyclops.
But I also want him to be buffed because of Vox. Half of Vox's SP3 is about placing an indefinite Neutralize on Inhuman opponents, but it's literally only useful against Medusa unless there are nodes involved that give the rest of them some sort of annoying buffs. It's as if they took a really obscure synergy and crammed it into Vox's kit instead.
Luckily there's more to Vox's SP3 than just that line but I'd nonetheless want it to be more useful, and one way to do that would be to buff some Inhuman champs like Black Bolt and Kamala Khan. Even against the "intended" target - Medusa - you still can just use an SP1 in order to bypass her autoblock, so going the SP3 route is still pointless unless you really don't want her to get any fury buffs because you've got furybuphobia or something.
If it had been Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) for a full overhaul I'd probably have gone with that. For those on this list it's between Dr Strange, Elektra, Symbiote Spidey and Loki.
I think the last three could be boosted by small to medium buffs, so a full overhaul I think should be reserved for Dr Strange.
However, I'd also like to see an overhaul for Star-Lord or Iron Fist.
Come on Kabam, he should be a beast 👻
And that would be a green activity, right?!? Since he's a tree and stuff...😜🌲🌴🌳
What I have in mind is something similar to Abs man prefights and the way his abilities work.
Vision has pretty much mastered the ability to alter his molecular structure allowing him to phase through objects or alter his matter to make it very durable (possibly even indestructible). So, what I propose is to introduce the prefights for i) Solid state that provides an indefinite armour up at the start of the fight increasing his armour rating by couple of thousand(s), providing immunity to Nullify and Stagger (little similar to Viv kit). Shall armour up be removed by any other means it would reapply after 10-15 seconds. ii) Phase state that enables Visions attack to become non-contact, and ending a 5 hit combo with light attack would apply a Debuff/passive falter for n seconds, refreshing after n second if opponent strikes into falter.
Also I was thinking about his specials where sp1 could be reworked to as usual power drain but also maybe stack power passive energy vulnerability debuffs and cashing them out with big damage on sp2 with damage increasing of energy vulnerabilities based on how much power being drained/stolen during the attack.
I don’t know, Vision is hella cool character that has gone toe to toe with lots of powerful villains and deserves appropriate power up.
- Iconic leader of the X-Men
- kit could easily mirror or be similar to his brother Havok who is also very effective
- he is a seemingly perfect candidate for a prowess interaction.
On a more constructive note, if anyone is bored, and wants to kill time with a read-through, I've got rework suggestions for 8/10 of those champions (and more) in this Suggestions Thread - https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/328552/complete-buff-designs-for-classic-champions/p1
Dr Strange rework suggestion: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/2261918/#Comment_2261918l