Chee'ilth, Cleanse, and LC/DE Masteries

thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
Since Mastery Load-outs became a thing, I've been playing around with my usual mastery setup, and included one with so-called full "ouchie" masteries. I've been having fun with champs that take advantage of these masteries, as I normally never play with them. In doing so, I was testing out various champs that either are known to be great with them, or just champs that I wanted to see how they did.

I figured that, since Chee'ilth has Cleanse as a part of her kit, and even more Cleanse with a full synergy team, she would be great with Liquid Courage/Double Edge. The opposite, however, seems to be true. I am losing TONS of health, and she never cleanses either the initial Double Edge bleeds, or the Liquid Courage poison. It's that poison that really does her in. So, I guess my question is this: am I doing something wrong here somehow? Is this a bug? Or is Chee'ilth not the "ouchie" friendly champ I assumed she was?


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    Cleanse removes debuffs as they're applied.

    So it won't remove debuffs that you're already carrying.

    This is from her official description:

  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    Is there a synergy that lets her start with cleanse charges?

    I could look, but I don't wanna.
  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    You shouldn’t be losing tons of health at all, so possibly you’ve not set it up correctly.

    Are you using willpower And synergies to heal?

    Should only lose around 8% total per fight if you run recoil masteries alone.
    And if you are correctly running nick and dead pool synergy to heal instead of losing hp, you should actually gain hp per fight (around9%)

    once the bleed goes away you should be net zero with the the poison should not be the worst part at all. The short bleed is normally the strongest hitting.
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