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Paragon eq when

RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Posts: 710 ★★★
We got tb eq after paragon and now majorty has acces to valiant when will we get peq


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    GalactikDonutGalactikDonut Posts: 347 ★★★
    we didn’t get tb we until a few months before valiant was a thing, so i wouldn’t expect a paragon difficulty for at least another year. especially since we have the paragon gauntlet
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    JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Posts: 411 ★★★

    we didn’t get tb we until a few months before valiant was a thing, so i wouldn’t expect a paragon difficulty for at least another year. especially since we have the paragon gauntlet

    We had TBEQ for almost a full year before Valiant.

    But like you said we have the Paragauntlet, so I doubt we’ll see a Paragon level EQ anytime soon (and I doubt it would be much of a difficulty bump if that’s what you’re looking for)

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    GalactikDonutGalactikDonut Posts: 347 ★★★
    Jinxesaxe said:

    that’s right, idk why i thought they added tb eq when they added paragon gauntlet
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
    I don't think TB EQ is nearly as stale as Cav EQ was just before we got TB EQ. I was thoroughly bored with Cav EQ by that point, whereas I think TB EQ is fairly fun.

    My guess is that we'll see changes to the Paragauntlet rewards before we see anything with the actual EQ change. In the future, I also think it's possible that we see more Valiant objectives for the existing gauntlet. I think that could be a good way to increase the rewards when it becomes necessary without having to introduce a whole new difficulty. Obviously a new difficulty will come eventually, but it's probably quite a way away. I reckon we might even see a new Valiant gauntlet before we see a new EQ difficulty, but I think such a gauntlet is still probably far away as well.
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,139 ★★★★
    The paragon gauntlet is just fine, they should try something new for valiant
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    StertslStertsl Posts: 101
    Not as many people as you think are valiants
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