Looking for alliance

Semi-retired player looking for alliance. Don’t care for high tier war. I have a pretty decent roster, IGN is the same as here if you wanna see if I’d be a good fit.

Mostly looking for lower maps AQ and active alliance.

Add me in game, SnackAttack90


  • willemadnnel117willemadnnel117 Member Posts: 62
    WR4F is the abbreviation of our alliance. We're a G5 alliance looking for 1 more person if you're keen?
  • Makka_PakkaMakka_Pakka Member Posts: 56
    We run maps 655 on days 1&2 then 555. We don’t run war as there’s no call for it. If this appeals to you then please let me know. We use Line for group chat.
    Alliance tag: 2RRT
    IGN: Makka Pakka
    Line: makka_pakka
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,146 ★★★★
    We are looking for 1. We have 19k average prestige. Nearly all paragons or valiant.

    Map 5 AQ.

    We are pretty/very active for a low AQ alliance and use in game chat only, so no need to manage another app and communication stream.

    Optional, no spend 2bg tier 5 war, for those who want something to do without pressure.
  • PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Member Posts: 63

  • DoomanDooman Member Posts: 149
    If you use Discord. mrdooman
  • SleepynsaSleepynsa Member Posts: 50
    Added you in game. My line is sleepy_n_sa map 6 with raids tier 5-6 war
  • Kman1989Kman1989 Member Posts: 35

  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 337
    4,950-5,000 Glory per week. AQ map 5/6. No stress, no items required Gold tier AW, optional. Easy BG minimums.

    Alliance name: District 10 (Tag: DTEN)
    Contact in-game: Avenger A-1
    Line ID: avenger-a-1
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