Most versatile DOT champ

As the title says, who is the most versatile DOT champ. Some champs change the type of DOT when there are immunities, for example Elsa Bloodstone.
Is there any champ who can inflict DOT effects to all champs in the game? Passives or debuffs
Is there any champ who can inflict DOT effects to all champs in the game? Passives or debuffs
Also since we now know that instant bursts (red numbers) are actually instantaneous DOTs
Abs man can also be considered in this and he's pretty versatile won't you agree?
If it's automatic switch then the only one I can remember off the top of my head is Iron doom with peni Parker synergy ( if opponent is immune to shock he places incinerates instead)
Edit: Also Morbius (at high sig replaces bleed with rupture)
Rupture in general can inflict most champs
How about Dust?
No champs who are immune to bleed are resistant to passive degen. No champs who resist passive degen are immune to bleed.
Also both of these effects deal direct damage. He can work in all scenarios.
And that’s why…
I’d say him and Scorp
I’m sitting on 20 more generics too, but I look for thresholds of her sig ability. I’ll dump more stones into her when I have enough to get her sig ability above 25% per buff.
He's broken still tho
Scorpion also has this feature but his debuffs are more powerstings that deal small amounts of DoT.
Honable mentions would be Werewolf and Vox are also honorable mentions with their ruptures and degen.