Strongest team leaderboard question

CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
Hey guys, how does the strongest team leaderboard counted? Prestige or power index? Does ascended counted too?


  • LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 217
    Pretty sure it’s power index.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,787 Guardian
    xLunatiXx said:

    Interesting. (And Yes, I would bet that includes Ascended now)

    I assume that is an old response, but seems contradictory, doesn’t it ?

    Prestige (being without Mastery) vs PI (Power Index, or in general termed “champ Rating”) which is *with* Mastery.

    But the clip you showed says PI *WITHOUT* Mastery ??
    Contradictory ??

    Anyways, nice insightful reference (don't know who originally provided it, and thus whether it is totally accurate or not ?), saying that is best TEAM that you have ACTUALLY USED.
    Not necessarily your TOP 5 champs.
    So if you have some slightly lower champs, but they contribute some nice SYNERGY to the team (increasing Team Rating), that could be better than just top-5.

    Also, so if you’ve gotten a newer champ and took them to top of your roster, they may not have been on an actual Quest Team yet (with some synergies) to bump up your “Strongest Team” rating.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    I’m assuming it doesn’t update immediately. My strongest team isn’t my top 5 champs, and my total is surprisingly low. Have been running auto fight with the top 5 and my total is the same.

    Dr. Zola
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,787 Guardian
    The number definitely looks like WITHOUT Masteries.
    So PI in this case = Prestige Index ? (even though PI normally refers to Power Index ?)
    Plus Synergy.

    And since that definition was first made, we got 2 newer variables…
    Assume it includes Ascension.
    And not sure, but probably (?), also with attached Relics.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★

    The number definitely looks like WITHOUT Masteries.
    So PI in this case = Prestige Index ? (even though PI normally refers to Power Index ?)
    Plus Synergy.

    And since that definition was first made, we got 2 newer variables…
    Assume it includes Ascension.
    And not sure, but probably (?), also with attached Relics.

    Exactly, so without masteries means it prestige, not power index
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★

    xLunatiXx said:

    Interesting. (And Yes, I would bet that includes Ascended now)

    I assume that is an old response, but seems contradictory, doesn’t it ?

    Prestige (being without Mastery) vs PI (Power Index, or in general termed “champ Rating”) which is *with* Mastery.

    But the clip you showed says PI *WITHOUT* Mastery ??
    Contradictory ??

    Anyways, nice insightful reference (don't know who originally provided it, and thus whether it is totally accurate or not ?), saying that is best TEAM that you have ACTUALLY USED.
    Not necessarily your TOP 5 champs.
    So if you have some slightly lower champs, but they contribute some nice SYNERGY to the team (increasing Team Rating), that could be better than just top-5.

    Also, so if you’ve gotten a newer champ and took them to top of your roster, they may not have been on an actual Quest Team yet (with some synergies) to bump up your “Strongest Team” rating.
    This was taken from Kabam support website, saw it while I was searching for something else yesterday.
    Like you said the wording is probably wrong cause outdated.
    But I believe the important part is WITH synergy. Meaning it can be different from your top 5 if some synergy significantly boost your PI.

    I believe in the same article they mentioned closing your app to make sure it refreshes the leaderboard @DrZola . I'll try to find it back
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    For reference. That's the only info provided. Hoping it's accurate
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,787 Guardian
    Here is the expanded clip from that Support article (albiet it is 3 years old), which includes Total Base Hero Rating description.
    Which now in game in the Leaderboard is called Total Summoner Rating.

    That also was described as without mastery, but more directly is said to be “BASE Power Index”.
    They weren’t using the term Prestige in this area, but that is what they are talking about by including the term “BASE”.

    The following sentence for Strongest Team is just a continuation of that, so just failed to include “BASE” as it already made that clarification in the Leaderboard category described just prior.

    Also, FYI, Total Summoner Rating (formerly called Total Base Hero Rating) on the leaderboard was probably renamed due to including of your Total Relic Rating as part of that now.
    (while I didn’t add up all my Relics, it seemed like the difference between Profile and Leaderboard was about that of all my Relics).

    Note in your Summoner Profile, “Base Hero Rating” is still without Relics, and only detailed your top-5 Relic Prestige afterward (not anywhere saying what your TOTAL Relics are), but that category on Leaderboard does indeed include all your Relics. (And, yes, without mastery)

    (I leveled up 1 champ 1 level, to see what my Profile and Leaderboard # would change, and both of those changed by only 98, compared to that champs individual rating in my roster (with mastery) changed by 160.
  • Heinz11Heinz11 Member Posts: 264 ★★
    Synergies also count toward strongest team. That explains why using your top 5 may not give you your best result.
  • wappykidwappykid Member Posts: 94
    Do relics and ascension affect the strongest team rating
  • Canemarco_01Canemarco_01 Member Posts: 15
    I don’t get it. How can I with 5 sig 120-180 r3 champs increase my rating from 123k to 124k when I put on boosts and suicides (don’t know if boosts work), and there’s someone at the top of my region with two 6 star champs in their profile be there with 154k rating!?!?
  • Wally_WooferWally_Woofer Member Posts: 195
    Boosts do not contribute. Synergy can have great affect. High sig of lower rarity count more than low sig of a higher rarity...until rank overcomes.
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